Dylan's Testimony

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Andy and I are on our way to the church for youth group. We both help to lead worship and are youth leaders. Danny, Dad, and a few of the students are supposed to meet us for worship practice before the youth group starts. After my date with Danny last night, I'm kind of hoping to talk to him before he leaves.

When we get there, Andy drops Gwenn of with Mira and Amy for the children's church. Danny is dropping Ben and Gabe off at the same time. I go ahead to the youth room while they talk, probably about last night. I go in only to find Dylan talking with Dad, I am tempted to turn around and leave, but decide against it.

"Hey Meli, did you know Dylan's back?" Dad asks.

"Yeah. We've met up a couple of times." I say.

"Meli about last night. I was only there for dinner. I really didn't know that you and Danny would be there." Dylan says.

"I'm not saying you did."

"Did I miss something?" Dad asks.

"I went out on a date with Danny last night and Dylan just happened to be there."

"When were you going to tell me that you and Danny are dating?"

"It was only one date. Not a very good one though. We were interrupted quite a bit. Not by you Dylan, by Mira."

"Yeah, I saw." Dylan laughs a little.

"Did you know she said, and you can quote me on this, that you were "kind of cute". You should have seen her face when I told her who you were, it was hilarious. I'll have to have Danny show you the picture."

"What picture am I showing him?" Danny asks and stands next to me.

"The pic of Mira from last night."

"You're going to love this one." Danny shows the picture to Dad and Dylan who both laugh.

"Poor Mira, she's never going to live this one down." Dad says. "What do you say we get to practicing." Since the rest of the worship team has shown up.


We all go up on stage, including Dylan. He's going to be helping out with the youth group now that he's back for good. We're short a music stand, so Dylan and I share mine. We do a short practice session before the rest of the youth group shows up. After practice, the other leaders and I travel around the room, talking to different groups of students. I find Lily sitting by herself, which isn't uncommon for her, and playing on her phone. I am about to go talk to her, but Danny beats me to her. I overhear their conversation.

"You can have this back after youth group." Danny says to Lily, taking her phone from her.

"You can't do that." Lily says.

"Do I need to tell Mira about yesterday?"

"No. Can't I have my phone till youth actually starts?"

"Um, no. Now go be social." Danny walks over to me.


"What did Lily do yesterday that Mira doesn't know about?" I ask.

"You know how I had to go bail her out with her principal?" I nod. "Mira doesn't know."

"You didn't tell her? Why?"

"I don't want Lily mad at me. She thinks I'm the cool older brother, I don't get to be that to either Ben or Gabe, just the responsible father figure."

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