Mixed Feelings At The ER

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*This chapter will be in both Meli's and Dylan's Point of View*

*Meli's Point of View*

Andy pulls into the parking lot and quickly helps me out of his truck while Lily helps Gwenn out. Together we enter the hospital and find Grandma Barb by herslef in the waiting room of the ER. It looks like we are the first to arrive.

"Grandma Barb, what's going on? What's wrong with Grandpa Steve?" I ask as I make my way over to her. Instead of answering, she pulls me into an unexpected hug. I hug her back without hesitation.

After calming herself down, Grandma Barb starts talking calmly. "This afternoon, he was going to clean out the gutters. I was in the kitchen and couldn't watch what happened. He had been working on the gutters less then ten minutes before I heard a crash. I went out to investigate and found Steve lying on the ground, unconscious. His leg was twisted in an unusual way and he had a nasty gash on his forehead. I did the only thing I could think of and called 911. Once I arrived here, I started making phone calls to everyone I knew and asked them to pray, no sense in filling up the waiting room. Ionly asked the family to come. I even was able to get Mira and Danny to come back home. When I called them, I was just going to ask them to pray, but they insisted on coming back home." Grandma Barb says, without much hesitation for breathing even.

"Danny and Mira are coming back home? I wanted to stay with you guys longer, I had fun." Lily says, almost oblivious to the fact that Grandpa Steve is in the hospital.

"Lily, now is not the time or place to talk about that. Maybe we can work something out later, right now we need to focus on the matter at hand, Grandpa Steve is in the hospital and we have no clue what's wrong with him." Andy says sternly, in the same voice he uses with Gwenn when she's doing something he doesn't like.

"Sorry Andy." Lily says sheepishly and sits down in an empty chair away from us.

"Is Grandpa Steve going to be okay?" Gwenn asks, her little eyes filling with unshed tears.

Andy squats in front of Gwenn  adn takes her little hands in his and looks her in the eyes, his oown tears spilling down his cheeks. "I don't know sweetie, he's in God's hands. The best thing we can do right now for him is pray."

"Ok daddy, will you pray with me?"

"Of course I will." Andy takes ahold of only one of Gwenn's hands and leads her to another empty area of the waiting room.

Grandma Barb and I make small talk, trying to think about anything other than Grandpa Steve while we wait for others to arrive and for more news on Grandpa Steve.


People begin to pour into the waiting room. Toby and Eliza, my dad and Ucle Scotty, a few of the ranchhands that are able to make it, Jeff and Amy, and Mira and Danny. So far there is no sign of Rex and Buzz or Dylan and the boys. Grandma Barb called them before we even got here. I know they'll be here as soon as they can.

Danny walks over to me and my breath catches at the sight of him. His eyes are sparkling with fresh tears and his hair is ruffled like he has wrung his fingers through it many times over. I don't think I've seen him this distraught since his grandpa died. He has his hands stuffed into his pockets and is acting way more awkward than normal.

"Is everything alright with you Danny. other than the fact that Grandpa Steve is...." Danny doesn't make me finish the question. He pulls his hands out of his pocket and envelops me into a hug. It's familiar, yet it feels like there's more to this hug than just him trying to comfort a friend. He pulls back quickly.

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