Surprise, She Can Walk Again

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For my plan to surprise everyone I had to go to church, in my wheelchair. I asked Andy to drive me to church like he normally does on Sundays, with Gwenn in the back seat. On Sunday nights, the youth group gets to lead the service, normally one of the students gets to preach and the worship team is made up of the same people as on Wednesday nights. I'm on the worship team, so it gives me the perfect opportunity to surprise everyone.

I get into Andy's truck on my own for the first time in years and it's an amazing feeling to know I don't have to have help to get in.  Andy drives to the church while I search on my phone for the perfect song to end the service with, that will also lead up to the surprise I have in store for everyone. I finally find the perfect one just before we get to the church, the song, " I Am Free" by the Newsboys.

I ask Andy to help me out of his truck and into my wheelchair like he normally would. I enter the church like it's just a normal Sunday night service, my wheelchair and all. Andy, Gwenn, and I have to show up early to help set up for the service. After we enter the church, Andy and Gwenn go into the sanctuary to start turning things on, while I go into my dad's office that he shares with Jeff. I quickly print off sheet music for the new song I have chosen and head into the sanctuary myself. Danny, Dylan, Dad, Jeff, Amy, Lily, and a few of the other students in charge of leading worship have already arrived in the short time it took me to print off the sheet music. Jeff and Amy don't actually help lead worship, they run the sound board and projector.

"You're late." Danny points out as I join everyone on the stage.

"I was here before all of you, I was just printing out sheet music for our last song. I chose a different one than we had planned, but it's one that you guys already know." I say and hand it out to everyone based on what instrument they play. Danny plays drums, Dylan and my dad both play the acoustic guitar and sing, Andy plays electric guitar and when Danny can't be there, the drums. Lily plays the keyboard. The few other students sing and one plays bass.

"Is there a specific reason for this song change?" Jeff asks.

"I just thought it would be a good message to end the service with." Jeff gives me a skeptical look before turning his attention to the other worship team members. I don't normally change songs without a good reason for it. Jeff leads a prayer with the worship team before he and Amy head to the back of the sanctuary. We finish our practice session and take the time before the service starts to socialize.

Dylan and Andy are hanging out with some of the junior high guys that have shown up, laughing away. My dad and Jeff are doing the same with some of the senior high guys. Amy is hanging with some of the senior high girls. Danny is over with some of the junior high girls, Lily and her friends. The rest of the students present are hanging out with each other and a few of the other adults in the church. I decide to go join Danny out of the few groups I could join. I come up behind him and notice his drum sticks sitting in his back pocket, I take them without his noticing. I go around to the opposite side of the "circle" of girls than where Danny is. Lily is to my right so I hand her the drumsticks without anyone noticing.

"Does anyone want to play keep away from Danny?" Lily asks, holding up the drumsticks for Danny to see. Danny instinctively reaches to his back pocket where his drumsticks had been and finds it empty. He notices for the first time that I have joined the small group of people and I smile proudly at my sneakiness.

"You! I'm going to get you for this later, but first, I have to get something from my sister." Danny says, and starts to chase his sister around the sanctuary. I figured it would be a good bonding moment for the two of them after what Lily had told me earlier. Danny is running after his sister, which is something we've both been taught is not a good thing to do in a church, God's house.

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