The Corridor of Elders

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We walked into the empty hall, our footsteps echoing off the walls.

''Looks like our safest bet was wrong.'' I stated at the lack of Nya and the others.

''They took the bounty, they could be anwhere!'' Lloyd said and I pulled out my communication device before trying to reach the others.

''Cole? Jay? Kai? Can you hear me?'' The only thing that answered was static. With a sigh, I was about to put it away again when I could hear a faint voice cutting through the annoying noise.


''Neuro? Is that you?'' I immediatly held it up again so I could hear him better.

''Y...yes.'' The static was still disturbing the barely audible voice on the other end, but it would have to do for now.

''Can you send the others a message? We need everyone at the Samurai X Cave.'' Lloyd told him.


Aaand my comlink was dead. Great. The static had completely stopped, along with any other trace of it still working.

I groaned and was about to throw the damn thing on the floor in annoyance. ''Great! Just what we needed!''

''I hope Neuro sent the message.''

''That's pretty much the only thing we can do right now. Hope. God, I hate that word. sitting around and doing nothing.'' Lloyd sighed.

''I know.'' After that, we went pretty much quiet. He was in front of the monitor, tapping away on random buttons to try and contact the bounty and I was sitting on the edge of the plattform, eyes fixated on the endless depth beneath my feet as I leaned my forehead against the railing and played around with my katana.

''Any luck with contacting the bounty?'' I asked out of boredom.

''Not so far. Something's blocking the connection.''

''Probably Chen...'' I ran my hand through my hair and made my sword float above the abyss, occasionally making it twirl around in the air. The loud roaring of engines and the sudden light beaming down on me made me look up in confusion.

''What...the fuck...'' I whispered as I watched the bounty enter the Samurai X Cave since THE CEILING HAD JUST DECIDED TO DISAPPEAR SO THEY COULD FLY IN!

I watched with my mouth wide agape as the flying ship landed where I had last seen it. Just before the crew on board came walking out, THE CEILING DECIDED TO CLOSE AGAIN!

''I...that...WHAT? I- I HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?!'' I shout, clutching my head to comprehend what had just happened. ''THERE'S A DESSERT LIKE TWENTY FEET ABOVE US, HOW?'' Nya chuckled at my reaction.

''Looks like you're not exactly caught up with what today's technology is capable of!'' '

'I...'' I trailed off. ''Yeah, it's not like I really had any time to check it out in the last years, y'know?'' With my eyes still wide, I joined them in standing in front of the monitors.

''We tried to contact the other elemental masters but we're not sure if they got the message.'' Lloyd informed them.

''And-'' He was cut off by the engine of a truck that just drove into the Samurai X Cave as well. It stopped on the plattform we were on and out came Tox, Master of Poison.

''Did you get the message from Neuro?'' I asked, managing to come back to my senses. She simply nodded and then walked up to us.

''Good, that means the others are on their way, too.'' Wu said. After that came more waiting without any action, unless you consider the red dots appearing on the map, indicating which citys Chen had already taken over. It took about a whole hour until the last one arrived. This time it was Kai and not me who was last.

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