Sweet Rage

803 53 82


Word Count: 9 200


The spotlights blinded me the second I stepped foot on stage and I had to keep myself from immediately closing my eyes and paint a smile on my face which I was sure looked as forced as it actually was, as I tried my best at appearing natural whilst I walked towards the seat which I assumed was for me; a lone cushioned seat standing next to the moderator's table.

''Welcome (Y/N) and good evening to you!''

''To you as well, Mr...'', shit, I really shoulda looked up his name, ''Microphone Man.''

'That's what I'm settling on? Lord help me get out of this clusterfuck.'

Someone held up a sign for the audience to see after which they burst into laughter.

'Great, can't even get them to laugh at my mysery on my own.'

''Haha, you sure know how to make an entrance!''

''I do?''

Shit, hadn't meant to say that out loud. He was probably just trying to make the best of an akward situation and hadn't meant that just now.

''Uh, yeah! Speaking of entrances, let's talk about the one that introduced you to the world before we have the remainder of our guests join us.''

The background, which apparently was one big screen, changed it's colour and shifted to the thumbnail of that very first video that had started it all. A short clip of it played out and then it paused again, lights returning to their previous state.

''As iron sharpens iron, brother sharpens brother.'', he quoted me quoting the Ninja. ''Let me ask you one question before the others join us. What does that sentence mean to you, personally?''

I pursed my lips and scanned the ground in front of my feet in thought.

''I would say that what it's supposed to mean is that, when you surround yourself with people who understand you, they help you become a better person. ''

''Would you say you've done that?''

I remained silent for a second.

''I believe so, yeah.''

'Though I've yet to become a better person because of it', I added in my thoughts but didn't dare say aloud. Otherwise he would have kept asking questions I didn't know how to answer.

''Well, tonight we have six Ninja who also believe they have done the same'', the guy said, turning to face the camera, ''So please, welcome our guests with thunderous applause, here they are!''

Loud music started playing and deafening applause errupted in the audience as the Ninja walked on stage and my fingers started tapping the hand rests of my seat nervously. I briefly locked eyes with Kai who was the first to walk out which meant he would sit...

Oh no. He was going to murder me. I slouched further into my seat, maybe if I did so long enough I would slip inbetween the cushions and disappear.

'Great. Either Terry didn't do what I told him to do or the people organizing this whole thing deliberately went against my wishes to seat Kai next to me. This is gonna go terribly.'

They sat down on the couch, a bit small for six people, but they managed to squeeze into it, Nya sitting next to her brother and a nervous looking Jay who was chewing his bottom lip like his life depended on it, Cole next to him tapping his fingers on his pant leg and last but not least, Lloyd and Zane, who were the best at keeping their facial expressions in check. Or maybe that was just because it was harder for me to see them from where I was sitting.

Opposites Attract // (Ninjago x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu