Season 4 Epilogue

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''I...of course!'' My small smile quickly turned into a bright one and I reached out to grab his hand. He hoisted me up and after that...there was a rather awkward silence since none of us knew what to say.

''So...what happens now?'' I asked, trying to fill in the lack of a conversation.

''You...get on the Bounty with us?''

''Oh, yeah. That makes sense'' I replied with an awkward smile as we both began walking to the campfire where the rest of the team was. Of course, Kai was the first one to see me.

''Lloyd...don't tell me they're coming with us.'' The blond boy only replied with his signature grin. The Fire Ninja groaned.

''I thought we wanted to get a former teammate back, not bring a new one into the team!'' He complained.

''If my hearing did not trick me, I thought I heard you inviting Skylor to join the team yet she declined. So you did the exact same thing Lloyd did.'' Zane said in his analytic voice.

''B-but that's different!''

''No, it is not.'' Wu interrupted the brunette before turning to me. ''You are very welcome here.'' I smiled at the old man, the comforting thought of having a family filling my stomach with a warm wave of butterflies.


Lloyd's eyes scanned the narrow walls of the alleyway suspiciously.

''Why are you so nervous?'' I asked him as I lead the way to my old home.

''I've...never been to this part of Ninjago City and it doesn't really look inviting to me.''

''You can relax, I know my way around these parts. Besides, we only have to get my daggers and then we can go back.'' He nodded but still seemed very uneasy.

It had been a few days since the battle in the Corridor of Elders and not everything has gone well until now. Kai was still pissed off, Cole and Jay mostly ignored me, Zane had at least accepted that I was now part of the team and I never really knew what to talk about with Wu, Misako or Nya. So that only left Lloyd, and he was being hogged by Kai most of the time.

'Not a great start, but it can only get better from now least I hope so.'

We stopped in front of the very familiar house. The first floor was still blocked by rubble and all of the windows were still barricaded shut as well. The only thing that had changed was that someone had sprayed graffiti on one of the walls.

''This is it.''

'' are we going to get in, exactly?''

I motioned for him to follow me and walked around the corner to the only open window.

''We're going through that window.'' I said and didn't leave him time to answer, simply began climbing up the rainwater gutter like I'd done so many times.

''Uuuh, are you sure that thing's a safe way to get up there?''

''No, but it's the only one so you've got nothing to lose.'' I was already high enough to climb through the window, so I did. Without taking a look at the condition of the flat, I turned around to look through the window. Lloyd was still hesitant but began climbing up as well. He was slower than me but I can't blame him for that. After helping him climb in through the window, I turned around to take a good look at my former home.

Barely anything had changed. The only noteable difference was that Ronin's stuff wasn't there anymore since he probably took it with him when he bought real estate or whatever he was up to now. Lloyd followed me as I walked out of the living room into the small corridor that lead to my room.

The blanket was still on the floor where I had left it. All the time, I had such a weird feeling in my gut. All of this felt so distant, as if it had been years since I'd last been here, although it's only been about a week. The flat was as quiet and lonely as I remembered it yet something felt if there was something different. I shrugged it off and went to open the closet doors where I had left the daggers. And...there was nothing. A slip of paper lay where I'd left my weapons. With furrowed eyebrows I took it and let my eyes scan the words.

Dear (Y/N),
it's me again. I still have no idea where you are but I hope you will read this someday. I've bought some Real Estate in Stiix where I will soon open my new shop. As for your daggers...let's just say I might need them to defend myself since I'm running a little late on paying my debt. I'll also keep them as a pawn until you give me back the five bucks you borrowed from me, remember? Yeah, don't think I forget things like that.
See ya kid,

I kicked the closet door in anger. The entire closet jerked at the impact and I crumbled the slip of paper in my hand.

''What's wrong?'' I heard Lloyd ask from over my shoulder.

''My room ''mate'' took my daggers because I didn't pay him back the five bucks I owe him. That stingy shithead.''

'' can we go back now?'' I sighed.

''Yeah, sure.''

As we stood outside, I turned around and threw one last glance at the abandoned house that I'd probably never see again, or at least not for a very long time.

It's not the fact that I was going to miss the ''comfort'' of that place, rather that I'd gotten slightly attached to it over the last four to five months of living there. And although the Bounty was a way better place to stay at, I couldn't help but feel a little sad at all the memories I was leaving behind.

Nonetheless, I turned around and followed Lloyd into the dark alleyways, abandoning my dark past with each step I took and walking towards a brighter future.

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