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It was, once again, contemplation time.

As I lay on my bed in my room on the Bounty and stared at the ceiling with my arms behind my head, I felt hopeful for the first time in months. The mission at Yang's Temple had gone pretty well, for me at least. I actually felt like I was part of the team for the very first time.

But, somehow, there was still a feeling of uncertainty in my gut.

Imagine how surprised I was when I saw Ronin had apparently decided to try his hand in the tea business. I don't know what would prompt him to do so, especially since he was so keen on opening up his own shop back when we were still living together. But this was great news for me! One more person I can stand accompanying us!

And yet...

With a sigh I sat up. My gaze fell on the tattoo on my arm whose origin of how it got there still remain unknown. I don't even know if anyone noticed it. Well, if they did they certainly didn't point it out.I got up and walked out of my room and through the hallway. Might as well get some more training in before we arrive.

''Look who finally decided to join us.'' Was the first thing Kai said to me after I got on deck. ''We were worried you were gonna oversleep the next clue.'' ''Speaking of, did Misako find anything new?'' I asked, using my hand to shield my eyes from the very bright sun. ''No, not yet at least. Her and Wu are still going at it.''

In front of us, Jay tried to do Airjitzu, yet didn't reach the goal they'd set for themselves. ''Try again.'' I heard the voice of a bored Ronin from above. This time, I decided to try my luck before Jay had recovered from the fall. I leapt into the air, using Airjitzu but also failed to touch the goal and instead fell flat on my ass.

''Just short. Just like you, (Y/N).'' Ronin said, eating away at his apple. Aggravated, I tried it again, only this time aiming for the apple in his hands instead of the goal, and snatched the fruit right from him and even managed to land more or less gracefully on my feet. ''Or just like the money you need to pay off your debt.'' I said with a scowl and bit into the apple.

''I'm...starting to think I know where (Y/N) got their sense of sarcasm.'' Kai said to the other Ninja. ''Oh please, Ronin was barely around back when we lived together.'' I said with a shrug. ''You're making me sound like an absent father.'' ''Well then it's a good thing we're not related in any way, shape or form. Still, my fighting turned out absolutely fine even without you around.'' I said with a cocky-ish undertone and a smirk.

''Meh, your fighting's okay. And don't act like I wasn't the reason you even started training.'' ''All you did to contribute to my ''training'' was have a one-on-one fight with me once a day, beat me up and then leave to god-knows where! Now that I say it like this, you do kind of sound like an absent father...''

''To be able to rely on each other we have to uplift each other. Not tear each other down.'' Said Wu who had appeared all of a sudden, making me jump a little at his sudden entrance. ''Where the fuck do you always come from.'' I mumbled. ''Come on, you closed the shop for a week. You gotta let me have some fun. Besides, aren't Ninja supposed to be precise?'' Ronin asked from above.

''Ugh, these new suits are heavy. Why can't we just use our old ones?'' Kai asked. It was only then that I noticed they were actually wearing new uniforms. They were hard to distinguish from their old ones but you could see in the way the sun reflected on them that there was something different.

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