Project Arcturus

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Focusing on the target about fifteen feet away from me, I felt the cargoes surrounding the three small knives that were inbetween my knuckles. Manipulating them to be attracted towards the target, I opened my eyes just right before I flicked my wrist and threw the knives. They all landed directly in the center of the red circle I had painted on the wooden planks and even embedded themselves in the wood by a few centimeters.

''Not half bad.'' Ronin stated from behind me.

I had convinced him to stay with me today instead of going to ''work'' since I wanted to show him the skills I had gained over the past four weeks.

''That says a lot, coming from you.'' I replied before making the small throwing knives fly back into my hand and putting them back where they belonged.

''Anything else you want to show me?''

''Well, I have been working on my flexibility, as you said.'' I began bending myself backwards and put my hands on the ground so I was looking like an arch before bending my neck so I could look at Ronin through my feet. ''And I believe it's working.''

I got back up and did a few high kicks. ''I've also been working on my kicks and I got a super cool looking attack where I spin around my legs and it just feels so badass!'' I exclaimed with almost sparkly eyes before taking out one of my daggers and throwing it in the air where it did a flip before landing back in my hand.

''And I've been getting better with my elemental powers as well! Look at that!'' I said happily before throwing the dagger back into the air where it just started hovering before I made it fly to the left and right. ''Ain't that cool?''

''But can you use these moves in a fight? Actually using them and knowing how to do them are two vastly different things.''

''Let's try that out then, shall we?'' I said with a grin as I made the hovering dagger dash towards him.

He, of course, dodged it by rolling to the left. The dagger flew back into my hand where I gripped it tightly.

I charged towards him, punching wildly at his face. He avoided each one of them and ended up gripping my wrist, pulling me forward and pulling his knee up so it punched me directly in the guts. I coughed but jerked my hand back so our heads collided.

Dizzy and disoriented, I stumbled back, but he did the same which caused him to let go of me. I collected myself a second before he did and crouched down so I could sweep my leg under his, successfully knocking him off his feet.

Ronin grunted and struggled to get up, but before he could I had already stepped on his stomach with both of my legs and bobbed up and down. ''Okay, you win. Now get off of me before I cough up my liver.'' He said inbetween coughs.

Running a hand through my hair, I muttered ''fine'' and jumped off, giving him a last kick to the guts.

The thief got up, clutching his stomach as he did so, and picked up his straw hat that had fallen off.

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