Curse World (1)

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I felt dizzy, a confusing whirl of emotions rushing through my head and before I realized what was happening, I heard my feet landing on wood and, upon looking up, saw we were back in Stiix, hidden behind a few houses.

Morro's grip around me loosened and I realized too late that I couldn't hold myself upright on my own. After falling flat on my ass in exhaustion, I crawled backwards to lean myself against one of the wooden walls and breathed a huge sigh of relief as well as exhaustion.

''Are those...fireworks?'' I questioned as I started becoming more aware of my surroundings and noticed the sounds of people having a good time.

''Yes.'' Morro answered and held out a hand for me to grab which I did and got pulled up. ''They're celebrating the New Year.''

''In fall?'' I raised an eyebrow.

''When else?'' He responded with a confused expression.

''Nevermind.'' I quickly evaded the question. ''Let's go.''

While celebrating New Year's Eve in fall did seem weird to me, I couldn't expect the people in Ninjago to follow the same traditions and rules that I knew, obviously.

The two of us walked to Ronin's former shop in the middle of the village. Upon entering, I saw a pedestal in the middle of the room.

''Now let's shed a little light.'' Morro smirked as he placed the Realm Crystal upon it.

Immediatly, the Crystal began glowing, and a blue portal opened just below us. Soul Archer, Bansha, Ghoultar and another unknown ghost flew through it and joined us.

The unknown ghost, which I recognized to be the one The Ninja and I had fought at the train station on our way to Stiix, let out a sigh of relief which reminded me of chalk scratching on a blackboard.

''It's good to be back'', he said before his gaze fell on me.

''Morro, what are they doing here? If I remember correctly, last time I saw them they were with the Ninja.''

''Yeah, and last time I saw you, you had a giant ass car with an even bigger chain but here we both are, things change. I'm with you now.'' I answered before Morro even had the chance to open his mouth.

He looked to his left only to see Bansha nodding at him.

''Very well, then.'' The unknown ghost pursed his lips, a dismayed expression on his face.

''How long until the Preeminent is ready?'' Morro cut in impatiently.

''Her energy is still too strong to cross the etheral divide'', Soul Archer replied.

''The longer the gateway stays open, the stronger it becomes. We must prepare for her arrival'', Bansha continued.

''Then what are we waiting for?'' Morro said with a smirk. ''Let the festivities beginn.''

He raised his arms, and with him the portal, to the sky upon which dozens of ghosts began streaming out of the Cursed Realm, one face looking more hideous than the other, one body more defaced than the next. Some were missing whole limps, others had half their face rotten away and revealing their skulls, and a few had holes in their torso, their blackened organs showing through their fleshy cavern. A smell of rotten eggs, stale blood and death they brought with them and I tried my best not to gag as they flew past us to strike fear into the hearts of the citizens of Stiix.


It was about half an hour later that I was walking through the tiny village above water, on my way to look for something to eat and drink in an attempt to not pass out from exhaustion as soon as the Ninja showed up and I'd have to fight again. I tried not to think too much about when I'd last consumed anything that wasn't alcohol or the last time I'd slept.

Opposites Attract // (Ninjago x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя