Morro's Ending

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''Please don't let're all that I have left in this world.''

''And whose fault is that?!'' He yelled. ''Whose fault is it that the Ninja betrayed you? Whose fault is it you switched sides in the first place? It's mine!''

''It's not! I...don't know what you're talking about!

''Exactly! You don't! Because you were never supposed to know!''

He got dragged down a little further and I saw another spark of fear flash in his eyes, panic spreading across his face, almost like he was remembering how painful dying had been.

''I don't care! I don't care about what you did that I don't know of, all I care about is for you to grab my hand and let me haul your ass up here. I'm not letting you die a second time!''

His expression turned into one of acceptance and I saw him barely shaking his head, then closing his eyes. He got dragged down deeper.

''NO! Please, don't leave me...I-I love you, Morro. I don't know what I would do in this world without you, please just...don't let go.''

His green eyes locked with mine and I saw him contemplating for a second before his hand gripped mine properly. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I attempted to haul him up with my second hand, only to be promptly reminded this wasn't the best idea by a stabbing pain in my ellbow. Flinching a little, I instead opted to make the best I could out of the situation and pull him up with the remaining strength I still had left in my body.

A few moments later, the both of us were on the back of my dragon and relief filled every inch of my being. Before even giving him the chance to react, I had already enveloped him in a bone crushing hug and buried my face in the crook of his neck. A scent smelling distinctively of Morro filled my senses and I'd never felt more at peace for the past few months than at that moment.

''Don't ever, ever do that again while I'm still alive, y'hear me, you idiot?'' I mumbled fondly into the fabric of his cloak. His arms hung limp at his side and yet he leaned his head against mine. A few tears escaped my eyes. Morro flinched.


I immediatly pulled back and looked at his face which seemed more inconvenienced than in actual pain.

''Oh my god, I'm so sorry, that wasn't on purpose, I swear.''

We looked at each other for a few seconds before a genuine grin spread across his face and a low chuckle escaped his lips. He pulled me back into his arms and tightened his arms around me as if he never wanted to let go.

''I know it wasn't, hotshot.''

One of his arms moved from my waist to the back of my head where he ruffled my hair and pulled back a little, only to press a kiss to my forehead and then rock me gently from side to side.

Eventually, my gaze fell on the paddle steamer in the distance although we were still near enough for me to see the Ninja standing at the railing and looking at us. A part of me wondered why they hadn't attacked yet and another part was uncomfortable with them watching us like this. I leaned forward to talk quietly into Morro's ear.

''Let's get out of here, okay?''


''Why, aren't you a romantic one?''

Morro snorted as he looked around the graveyard. ''Nothing quite like the constant reminder of death to set the mood''

''Not to forget the all the corpses we're standing on right now.'' I joined in on his bickering. ''Although you don't exactly strike me as a Candle-Light-Dinner kind of guy, if I'm being honest.''

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