Twist of Fate

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Word Count: 6800

Enjoy the angst lol

Title from Black and Red by Reignwolf


The others hadn't wanted Jay to take off to look for the missing member of their team. Jay did so anyway.

Ronin had told him back on the Misfortune's Keep that they had been headed back in the direction they had come from, so when their team crashed one of Nadakhan's ships into the temple and Nadakhan emerged from it, throwing glances at the almost destroyed building, Jay's gut feeling had told him that it wasn't because he had been oh so very fond of it. Something was happening in there, and Jay was going to find out what.

Flintlocke had the poisonous dart, they had a plan on how to stop Nadakhan and Jay had a bad feeling about (Y/N) so the others should manage just fine without him if he went to check on them, right?

So when Jay walked through the entrance hall that was just barely standing to find the doors they had destroyed in tact and closed, he knew something was going on behind them. Fortunately for him, the walls next to those doors had partly crumpled down, leaving an opening for him to get into the room.

He climbed through one of them and crouched down at the edge of the giant hole in the ground, looking down only for his breath to get caught in his throat. Jay couldn't believe his eyes.

It was...Cole!

He looked exactly how Jay remembered him, still the exact same way as he did in the photos Jay had spent hours staring at during sleepless nights on the Bounty, a gaping hole where his heart should be.

Then he saw (Y/N), sitting atop of Cole, dagger just raised in the air and his mind flashed back to memories he thought he'd gotten over. It was just like Stiix all over again!


No, this time it wasn't, this time he could stop them, this time he knew that this wasn't something they wanted and something they would regret.

''(Y/N)!'' Jay yelled, immediatly drawing the attention of both of them on himself. They lowered their weapon and he felt a wave of relief surge through his veins. He had stopped it. Everything would be fine.

He saw Cole grabbing the dagger on the ground and felt his face drop before he could even get a word out. Jay's hand reached out, as if that would stop it.


But by then, it was already too late.

Jay could only watch in horror as Cole twisted the knife before ripping it out and dropping it on the floor. For a second, an ice-cold wave of fear washed over him, leaving him frozen in place. Fear of losing someone close to him yet again. Then, adrenaline rushed through his veins and he surged forward, jumping down into the pit, not caring for the pain in his ankles as he dropped down and immediatly rushed to their side.

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