The Greatest Fear of All

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About an hour into flying, Nya had suddenly realized we had left Dareth back on the island. Jay was the one who volunteered to get him, which meant the rest of the group had to be extra slow so they could catch up again. Not that we were ever really fast to beginn with.

Almost everyone had trouble steering their elemental dragon and keeping them summoned for this long amount of time, which meant many had to be rescued from falling into the ocean because their dragon just suddenly disappeared. I was constantly on edge the whole time because of the Chen's head start and I could tell Skylor felt the same, judging from the way her grip grew tighter and tighter the more time passed. At least we could talk with each other as a distraction.

Our chat was quite pleasant, we talked about the tournament, what we had thought of the other participants at first glance, what had happened after I'd defeated her, how Chen had been plotting all of this, Skylor's childhood on the island and so on...We never seemed to run out of things to talk about, which was really nice. Being stuck on the same dragon for a day with only awkward silence as company would've been the worst.

After Jay and Dareth caught up to us, it took probably a few more hours until there was even a hint of Ninjago City's skyscrapers. I immediatly felt Skylor relax as soon as it was near enough for us to tell that the city was, in fact, still intact and standing, no signs of an attack whatsoever.

''Chen and his Anacondrai followers have a whole day head start. We should brace ourselves for anything that could happen!'' Lloyd yelled against the wind, his voice only barely being carried to my ears.

''How come we lost so much time?'' Kai yelled back.

''Well, that is because you swore to never leave a friend behind!'' Dareth shouted from Zane's dragon.

''Besides, not all of us learn at the same pace. Flying an elemental dragon takes practice!'' Jay argumented.

''We haven't got any time left! Look, I can already see Ninjago! Fast!'' She pointed out.

''Fast? Fast is my middle name!'' Griffin exclaimed before already racing ahead.

''But this doesn't add up.'' I joined the conversation. The ninja all looked at me. ''Ninjago City doesn't look like it was under attack at all. Which means Chen's plotting something. I mean, with the staff and his Anacondrai followers he could easily just walk in there and fuck shit up.''

''You are right, but since he isn't here, we can take precautionary stepsss to make sure the cititzensss are safe.'' Garmadon replied, slurring the s. I nodded and concentrated on steering my dragon again.

We were flying above the city, me taking sharp turns around the corners of the skyscrapers since it was really, really fun. Feeling the wind run through my hair and the speed combined with the sharp turns made me feel like I was on a rollercoaster, yet I was the one in control of what would happen next.

As soon as the citizens spotted the colourful dragons flying above their heads, they started 'oooh'ing in amazement. Everyone began to split so I did the same. WIth one powerful flap, my dragon nosedived at a steep angle. We gained momentum rapidly, the harsh and cool air breezing against my skin made me narrow my eyes. Shortly before the ground, I pulled him up and we shot at a breathtaking pace barely above the streets of Ninjago. As we began to slow down, I let him land on a small strip of green in the city center. The other elemental masters landed relatively close to me.

A small kid, maybe seven years old, with black hair walked up to us, his mom trailing behind with an encouraging smile. The dark red dragon tilted his head, revealing Skylor and me sitting on his back.

''AAAAAH! A SNAKE AND A MURDERER!'' The little kid screamed out, alerting the other citizens who immediatly sprinted away from us.

'Now that he says it out loud, he's pretty on point. Skylor was an Anacondrai, after all. And I...well, I had bandages wrapped around my forearms and my clothes were still drenched in dried blood. If he had known how I'd gotten this way, maybe he'd have called me psychopath. I'll take murderer over psychopath if I have to.' I thought to myself as both Skylor and I jumped off the dragon.

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