Chapter 9-It's Kind of Insane

Start from the beginning

Nash told me that he has a huge crush on me, which makes me feel bad because I don't like him back.

I like Shawn, I really do. I wish he was the one I had to kiss.

Everyone always is assuming now that Hayes and I are a 'thing', which gets kind of annoying.

You know in school, if you even just talked to a guy, all the immature bitches would start singing 'Ohh, you like him!'. It's kind of like that.

Hayes is really sweet and everything, but I don't know, I guess I just don't like him that way, simple as.

At least Matt didn't flip out. That would've just ruined the mood.

Anyway, the game carried on, nothing too exciting happening.

Eventually, I got bored and stood up, announcing that I wanted to go out.

I was grabbing my things when Matt said 'Sofie, you can't go alone'.

'And why not?' I asked, impatient. Oh sassy.

'Because you're too young' he explained.

'Matt, I'm 2 years younger than you! I'm not a baby' I said, beginning to leave.

I wasn't leaving because I was pissed off, I really was just bored.

I heard some mumbling after the left the room and suddenly, the door flew open, revealing Taylor, Carter and Shawn at the door.

'We're coming too' they said.

I sighed and waited for them to come next to me.

'I'm sorry, but Matt was gonna freak if you actually went alone' Carter said.

I half-smiled and began to stroll down to the elevator, pressing the button.

We all clambered into the elevator and waited for it to reach the lobby.

Once the elevator doors opened, revealing the fancy lobby, the guys got attacked by about 20 fangirls.

Half an hour later, we were on the street, walking around, just looking for places to check out.

We went into a couple of stores like Hollister, Forever 21 and Victoria Secrets (the boys insisted).

'Oh, Abercrombie and Fitch! Can we go in?' I asked the boys.

'Sure' they all said in unison, shrugging their shoulders.

I dragged Shawn's and Taylor's wrists inside, beckoning Carter to follow.

We entered the store, breathing in the smell of the body spray.

I started fingering through the piles of clothes, picking out a really nice top.

I also picked up a bikini and began to walk up to the cashier to pay.

Just as I was about to pay, Shawn gently pushed me aside, his wallet in his hand.

'Let me take care of this' Shawn said, smiling at me.

'Shawn, no. Just let me pay' I said, gaining an impatient stare from the cashier.

Shawn just glared at me, handing over the money.

I sighed and Shawn handed me the bag, a grin on his face.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, making me feel warm and safe. Almost as if he was mine.

It wasn't as if it was weird or anything. Even if Shawn and I aren't dating, we still do little cute things. I really love when he does.

It's kind of insane the way I feel for him.

Love is a strong word, and I don't even know what it feels like.

But whenever I'm with Shawn, I get this warm, safe, amazing feeling that is one of the hardest things to describe. I just want to be with him all the time.

'Let's go get some drinks' Carter said, gesturing for us to join him on the pavement.

'Okay' I said, following him out with Taylor and Shawn.

We got the drinks and some food, making sure to get enough for us and the guys, heading back to the hotel and up to the room.

Once we came in with the stuff, the guys pounced on us, grabbing the food and drink.

'Hey, did you guys have fun?' Matt asked me, opening some Cheetos.

'Yeah, I got some clothes' I told him, showing him my bag of new stuff.

'What did you guys do?' I asked, sitting down on the bed.

'I'll tell you later' Matt said, winking with a smirk on his face.

What the hell did they do?

Matt's Little Sister - A Magcon/Shawn Mendes Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now