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I choke a man to death then suffocate another.

Killing with just my bare hands and not weapons.

I throw a man over my shoulders and beat the hell out of him and snap his neck before going to my next two guys.

A man slices my arm, but I grab his neck and another man's neck, putting them in a headlock and tightening my grip, slower and slower.

"GET EM!" Everest shoots a man and gives me a thumbs up.

All I feel is anger and sadness.

And I keep to get that out by just killing.

I snap these men's neck and continue suffocating them until I know they're for sure dead before I run off to kill more guys.

"LAST TWO GUYS! WANNA GET THEM, CARTER?" dad shouts and I nod, sprinting over there and grabbing one man while Jackson holds the other.

I stomp on him repeatedly and punch him until I hear his nose break, making me smirk as he cries.

I wrap my hands around his neck and he holds onto my wrists, trying to breathe, but he can't.

His face turns blue as I tighten my grip.

He eventually dies and I do the same with the other guy.

"I NEED MORE!" I shout.

"That was our third fight of the night. We need to go home and feed Daniel" dad says softly.

"Yea, don't want your kiddo to be paying for all this" Cody pats my back.

"Come on" Jackson motions his head and I sigh, following them to the car.

I get in and don't say a word.

I have nothing to say.

I'm a prick.

that's all I am.

A pure prick

"You okay, man?" Everest frowns, but I don't move. I slightly shake my head.

 I slightly shake my head

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I'm a mess.

I haven't done anything since Natalie left to live with her godparents.

That was two days ago.

I've never felt so broken in my life, ever.

The day she fucking left that door...

CarterWhere stories live. Discover now