Death Row

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I wake up on a bed.

And not my bed...

I let my eyes adjust and I instantly jump up when I see I'm in a cell.

I look around, panting before I grab onto the bars of the cell. "LET ME OUT!" I shout.

"You're not getting out of here, Carter. Or... well.. number six fifty" some girl says.

I turn to her. "What do you mean?"

She points to a leaderboard so I look up.

Death Row
Carter Archer | #650 | Date : Tomorrow

My eyes widen and I shout out the top of my lungs.

"We've all tried... it's not gonna work" the girl says. I aggressively stomp and punch the walls until my fists bleed. "Carter..." the girl trails off.

"WHAT?!" I shout with venom.

"Look. It's gonna be okay! It's fast and painless" she explains.


"Look, once everyone heard that an Archer and Red Hooder has been caught, they were so fucking excited. Because we're all getting what we deserve" she says.

"Oh yea? Then why the FUCK are you in here?" I ask in anger.

"I was caught killing my boyfriend after he killed our daughter..." her voice shakes.

I try to form words. "H-he killed your child?"

I hear her crying. "Yes. She was one. We were young... I guess he realized he didn't want a child anymore at eighteen"

"I'm sorry... I'd never wanna- actually... I killed my grandpa, I'm just as bad as him" I sigh.

"Guess we're all sickos. By the way, I'm Ashley. My death date is in a week" she sniffles.

I slide down the wall and sit down. "Guess I'm an Archer and Red Hooder. They want me dead as soon as they can"

"I guess... well it's late. Goodnight, Carter" Ashley gets silent.

I refuse to sit on that bed or go to sleep.

I'm gonna get my ass out of here.


"WAKE UP!" a man shouts and I just look at him as I'm on the ground, overly exhausted with a glare. "What do you want your last meal to be, Archer?" he walks over to me.

"My victims" I smirk.

"Cannibalism won't get you anywhere" he crosses his arms.

"You FUCKER! LET ME OUT!" I kick at the bars and he backs up, talking into his walkie talkie.

I kick and punch the walls, even throwing myself into them and my head.

Blood drips and I continue punching the wall out of anger.

"Calm down!" Ashley exclaims.

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