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"Will it work?" I ask.

"Yes, Carter" she laughs.

"I just really don't want a child right now" I nervously play with my fingers.

"You have to take it before twenty four hours after sex. It'll work" she chuckles. "I did it after we sex sex more than once and didn't tell you. I'm picking up my birth control today anyways"

I clench my jaw. "Did it work?"

"Am I pregnant?" she laughs.

"Right" I stress.

"Babe, you gotta calm down. You're so stressed that you're exhausted. Take a medicine and go back to sleep" she kisses my cheek. "Plus, you're hovering"

I stand up. "Sorry, sorry"

She sighs and looks at me. "What's wrong?"

"Just scared I got you pregnant" I flatly lie.

She smacks her forehead. "You've never been scared that you've gotten me pregnant. Now, what's wrong?"

"It's just... today is the anniversary of The Red Hooders. You know we always celebrate by going after a big Mafia. It's so much fun... and I can do it this year. Or the next..." I look down.

"Baby..." she hugs me. "I'm so sorry. Maybe you can convince your dad to let you do it?" she pulls back.

I shake my head. "He never will. We've barely even talked since he got us from England"

"It's worth the try" she sadly smiles.

"I guess" I turn to her. "I'll talk to him"

"Good. Now you'll stop hovering" she laughs and I shake my head before walking out of our bathroom.

I walk into mom and dads room to see them taking, until they notice me.

"Dad?" I catch his attention.

He sighs. "Yes?"

I clench my jaw. Now or never, Archer. "I know I'm not a Red Hooder anymore... but could I at least go on this trip? For old times sake before I put up my guard?"

"No, Carter" he sighs again. "You know I love you and that you're my best friend, but I can't. I'd like for you to come, but once again, I can't. You're dangerous, kid. There's no clue as to which one of us you'll kill next"

"Babe... just let him go. He's your son" mom frowns.

"Exactly" I say.

"I'm sorry, the answer's no" he says and I stomp, aggressively.

"I know what I did was wrong! But it was an ACCIDENT! It's OVER!" I snap.

Dad pulls out a needle and I look up at him. "Keep it up, Carter. I'd hate to do this again"

 I'd hate to do this again"

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"I'm sorry" I sigh.

"Go, bubba. I'll talk to your dad" mom says softly and I run my fingers through my hair, walking out and slamming the door.

The girls look at me. "Guess it didn't go well?" Laura asks.

I look at them. "I just want my old life back!" I pick up a glass cup and slam it at the wall.

"Carter!" Natalie comes to run at me, but dad runs in and stops her.

"Buddy, chill!" dad shouts and I turn to him. "Listen, okay?! You're my kid. You always will be! The team still loves you! They're just... afraid of you"

"I don't want them to be!" I snap.

"Just forget this anniversary. I'll talk to the guys on the way up there. Let me do the talking" he walks off and I sigh.

Natalie hugs me from behind and I place my hands on hers.


It's been an hour since the guys left and that's my cue.

I smirk, grabbing my weapons and grabbing the keys to my motorcycle.

"Where are you going?" Natalie walks in.

I turn to her. "The store"

"Oh good! Can you pick me up some ice cream?" she innocently smiles.

I nod and kiss her forehead. "Will do"

"I love you!" she pecks my lips.

"I love you too, Princess" I run my hand down her arm and leave the house.

If I can prove I can do this without killing someone on the team, then I can hopefully gain their trust again.

Atlanta here we come!

I hop on my motorcycle and speed off.

All I have is hope right now.

I hate lying to Natalie, especially since she's gonna expect her ice cream in like twenty minutes, but I mean, I'll get it for her on the way home!

I speed for about an hour before I reach a place full of fire and gunshots.

I'm here.

A smirk spreads across the face and I run in shooting.

None of the guys notice me yet, but I do see hints of them here and there.

An arrow goes through my arm and I hiss in pain, turning to the guy that shot it.

I pull it out of my arm and run at him, throwing it back.

I shoot him in the heart before I'm shot with bullets and arrows repeatedly.

As I continue to pull them out in pain, I keep killing.

Some with bare hands, some a slow - painful dead, and some an instant death.

I decapitate two men and stab more in the heart.

I hear dad shout to take cover, as soon as I go to do so, I shot in the neck with an arrow.

I fall to the ground as I get shot with another in the stomach.

A bomb goes off and helicopters fly over us.


I pull the arrows out, screaming in pain and I run.

"HANDS UP!" a cop shouts, so I shoot him dead.

Until im tranquilized...

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