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I wake up, once again with Natalie on my chest.

But this time, she's awake.

I know because as soon as I opened my eyes, she shut hers, making me chuckle. "I know you're awake, dork" I ruffle her long blonde hair.

"Heyyyy" she laughs.

"Hey, uh... would you maybe... yknow... go with me to the cardiologist?" I ask.

I look up at me and smiles. "Of course!"

I smile.


After an hour car ride, we make it to the cardiologist and get called back in an instant.

They take an x-ray of my heart, like they always do when I come.

"This is where you see a baby sized heart" I chuckle and Natalie looks up at me. "Well it's bigger than baby sized" I exaggerate.

She looks at me and pulls her lips in, tucking them to the side.

The nurse walks in. "Alright, so it looks like the heart is still pretty weak. Are you experiencing any heart palpations or anything?"

I shake my head. "No"

Natalie looks at me. "Are you sure? Your heart was so slow last night..."

I clench my jaw and the nurse sighs. "You have to tell us these things, Carter. It's very serious"

I clench my hand on the seat, growing angry and angry.

"It's okay" Natalie whispers, holding my hand. "Contain your anger"

"Yes. My heart is going slow" he groans.

"We're gonna have to do some test. You're lucky you know. Having nine years extra of life" the nurse says.

"Miracle baby!" Natalie laughs, squishing my cheeks.

I hold back a smile.

"Are you his girlfriend?" the nurse laughs.

I clench my jaw and we both shake our heads. "She's a friend" I say.

I notice Natalie blush and slightly smile.

"Alright Carter, I'll be right back with everything!" the nurse leaves.

I throw my head back and Natalie, still holding my hand, rubs the back of my hand her thumb.

I hate these.


I shout the man right in the chest before I get thrown onto the ground, scrapping the whole side of my face.

Cody jumps on top of the man and tackles him.

I stand up and pat Cody's back before running off.

I get shot on the arm, but I pull the bullet out after I shoot the man who fired it.

Striker jumps up on a man, taking him down and ripping him to absolute pieces.

He foams at the mouth like he has rabies with his razor sharp teething.

Striker has killed men before, no problem!

"TAKE COVER!" grandpa shouts and we all duck before our famous bomb goes off, killing everyone.

Striker runs next to me.

I stand up and put my gun back in my waistband. "I gotta go pick up Natalie from her grandmas"

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