I got into a fight

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Ok so you guys are probably wondering about the title of this chapter

I got into a fight and surprisingly won lol but in the process of giving the other girl a swollen jaw on the first punch I bruised right my hand and have a swollen knuckle, now you guys are probably wondering what started the whole fight well let's just say today she started cussing me out calling me a peice of bull shit and a mother fucker after she had called me a bitch a few weeks ago so I decided to show her how much of a cold hearted soulless "bitch" I could be also my other hand got skinned up and she refused to fight back and just started huddling up into a ball while still standing up and covering her face up

I know what your thinking "Wow the introverted emo girl fought back and beat up the preppy city girl!!" But In my defense she pushed me past my limit and I got my anger issues from both sides of my mom and dad's family's and I did not get in trouble either in fact my mom wanted to give me a fist bump and my dad gave me a hug a high five and they both told me good job XD

So yeah lol I wonder what my therapist is gonna have to say about this one lol when I told some of my friends and on of my cousins they told me good job lol and we're proud I won a fight my sister was even proud of me XD

SO YEAH that's how my day went lol tell about yours in the comments section below XD

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