Oh, What A Demonic World Pt 5

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Haley's POV

We were running away from the group of demonic ass holes when I noticed that Mark, Nate, and Y/n were missing, allowing me to come to an abrupt stop and the guys slam into me. (get yo dirty minds out the gutter)

"What the fook haley?" Jack whisper yelled.

"Where are Mark, Nate, and Y/n?" I asked.

"AH shit," Felix said coming to the realization also.

"DAMN IT," Matt yelled.

"Guys we have to find them," Jack said.

"Do we? Can't we just find an exit and get out of here? I mean come on Y/n is tough she'll be fine, Nate is smart, and Mark has anger issues and he's good at heart they are ok on their own they'll find a way out," Haley said.

"Damn, now that's just cold," Felix said shaking his head.

"Yeah Haley, I thought you were better than this," Matt said looking somewhere between shocked and offended.

"Yeah I agree with Matt and Felix," Jack said.

"Hey can you blame me,.......IT'S EVERY PERSON FOR THEMSELVES FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT!!" I said looking for the exit.

"I thought she was your best friend?" Matt said and I stopped in my tracks.

"She is but,...we're no good to her in here like sitting ducks if we can't get out and find help," I said continuing my quest.

"We'll be even worse out there, I mean what are the chances anyone is going to buy the story that we got kidnapped and tortured by our evil alter egos and that our friends are still being held hostage, or who's to say that they don't come after us again?" Felix said making a good point.

"I don't know, but we have to at least try something, we can't just go snooping around like the Mystery bunch and hope we bump into them and not get caught," I said crossing my arms.

"She makes a good point" Jack said.

"Yeah and so does Felix," Matt said.

"Ok, ok how about we flip a coin, heads we go with Haley's plan, tails we go with mine," Felix said fishing in his pockets for loose change. He found a quarter and flipped it.

(Nate's POV)

Me and Mark were running down the hallways making a bunch of twists and turns with each of Y/n's arms wrapped around our shoulders, she was slipping in and out of consciousness.

"FUCKING HELL!!" Mark shouted angrily.

"We're lost aren't we?" I asked.

"No, maybe,....yes," Mark said sighing.

"Damn it!! Look we don't have time to dodge in and out through these hallways we need to find a room with medical supplies and hide in there for a bit until we can make up a plan to find the others and get out of here and get Y/n to a hospital," I said.

"Yeah, your right," He said. We quickly tried the first door we saw but it was locked, so we tried the next four they were locked too but when we tried the sixth one we lucked out, once inside we closed the door set Y/n in a corner then scurried over and locked the door then proceeded to block it with a nearby shelf.

"Ok now let's check the whole room for any medical supplies or anything we can use to stop the bleeding," I said searching.

"When did you become a doctor??" Mark asked.

"When did you become a detective?? Now less questioning and more looking," I said.

"That's fair," Mark said continuing to look.

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