Oh, What A Demonic World pt4

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Nates POV

I woke up and saw jack awake with his head in his hands.

"Hey jack, where are we?" I asked sitting up.

"I don't know, " he said looking up and he had a black eye.

"What the fuck happened to you?!??!? " I asked.

"That bastard Die punched me, " he said.

"Wait? Die's behind all this??" I asked shocked

"Yeah, I think so anyways, " he said looking down again.

just as everything got quiet he came in.

"Alright ladies get up we're moving you to another room oh, and if you smart enough...... you won't try anything," he smirked.

he threw us into a room a room and we fell onto the ground and when he looked up Mad walked in and threw Haley and mark on the ground.

"Here are the asinines" Mad said.

"JOKES ON YOU WE DONT KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANS!! " Mark yelled. Mad just shook his head.

"I'm living in a world of idiots, " he whispered underneath his breath "I'm getting out of here for the fear my IQ might drop if I stand near you imbeciles any longer," Mad said and walked away.

"Well then...WE DONT DONT LIKE YOU EITHER!! " Haley huffed.

"Well I'm going to going to go....good bye," Die said and walked out.

"son of a bitch!!" I said and punched the wall, bruising my handing.

"Woah, What's wrong with Nate??" Mark asked.

"Well-" Jack started but was cut off when the door opened and Dark walked in with Felix and Matt, Matt looked like hell and Felix was rubbing his head.

"You are staying in here for the time being and don't think you can escape," Dark said and walked out shutting and locking the door.

"Hey guys, so am I the only one who noticed that bloody sheet in the corner.." Haley asked, pointing in that direction. I turned around noticing it for the first time.

Matt's POV

I looked around and noticed someone was missing from the group.

"Hey, has anyone seen Y/n?" I asked looking around worried. Then all of our eyes fell on the blanket. Mark walked over slowly and yanked it off of what was underneath then gasped and dropped it. Everyone looked shocked for a moment and I couldn't see what everyone was looking at because Mark and Jack were blocking my view, I quickly pushed passed them and was shocked, angry and a little sad.

Haley's POV

Mark yanked the blanket off and I didn't know what to feel in that moment I guess I felt a little sympathy but also angry and shocked.

Felix's POV

I was shocked and repulsed by what I was seeing I mean what are you supposed to do when you see something this horrible, I would like to know how another person could do such a horrible things.

Mark's POV

I felt a little remorse and shock at the sight I was seeing out of all of the horror games I've ever played nothing has even come close to giving me as much terror as this.

Jack's POV

I am shocked, how someone do such a terrible thing? I mean yes our captors may be demons but I thought there might be at least one line they wouldn't cross, I guess some people just aren't what they seem after all.

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