Oh, What A Demonic World Pt 3

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Y/n's POV

"Rise and die sunshine lollipops, it's time to feel a rainbow of pain!!" I heard a voice that sounded familiar, I then felt a huge force in my ribcage and pain shot out where I was hit.

"Wait, what?" I opened my eyes.

"Good, you're up!!" He said, walking over to a silver table.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking around, I was chained to a wall.

"Damn, I figured with you being Matt's sister and all, you would be smarter," he said and continued to look around on his table. I tried yanking myself free from my bindings at the mention of my brother.

"Oh, I see I've struck a nerve!!" He laughed.

"You sick bastard!! Where is my brother??" I yelled at him.

"Relax, he's fine....for now anyways," he said and then stalked over to me with a knife in hand and made a long cut down my cheek.

"You son of a bitch," I hissed.

"If you keep talking to me like that I will make the pain worse," he threatened.

"Bitch you couldn't hurt me if you tried!!" I said giving off a menacing death glare. He sliced down my arm.

"Try me," he warned.

"Oh please, I could do more damage to you with an injured leg than you could ever do to me" I challenged.

"Do you want to find out the hard way that you're wrong?" He asked and sliced my leg.

"Bitch I may be wrong about a lot of things but I am most certainly not wrong about this!!" I hissed out, my words dripping with poison.

"Ok, well let's find out then, shall we?" He smirked, I looked at him with confusion, until he stomped his foot down hard onto the leg he currently had cut.

"Gah!!" I held back a yell, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my pain, I didn't know much right then but I knew enough to know that my leg was broken. He uncuffed me and picked me up by my collar.

"Let's see how weak you really are!!" He laughed.

"Bring it on you psychotic, short, son of a bitch!!" I hissed out. He threw my body on the ground.

"Fuck you," he said.

"Ok, 1) in your dreams 2) I have a boyfriend and 3) at least buy me dinner first and then we'll talk about it!!" I Sassed off.

"Why I oughta-" he then kicked me in my ribcage again.

"Ugh," I grunted.

"You're weak, just like your brother!!" He laughed, I snarled at him and got up off of the ground.

"Say one more snarky comment about him one more time and you won't have teeth or a tounge to talk with!!" I growled.

"Oooo puppy got its fangs!!" He laughed, I then rung him in the jaw and he growled at me and turned is head to the side, spitting blood onto the floor.

"Looks like someone needs to learn some manners," he said and slapped me in the face, hard, leaving a red imprint on my face that was sure to leave a bruise but I just laughed in his face at his attempt to hurt me.

"Nice try, but-" I then kicked him wear the sun don't shine "I don't feel pain easily" I kicked him in the chin. He chuckled and got up.

"You really are a tiny firecracker aren't you?" He said and pushed me against the wall.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with," I spat.

"Oh honey, I think I do," he threw me on the floor.

"Because you see-" he kicked me in the stomach, "I am much more-" he kicked me in the side of the head, "Powerful then I-" and punched me in the side, "let on to be!!" He was about to kick me once more but I grabbed his foot and pulled him to the ground.

"So am I arsehole, so, am, I" I said.

"Don't try me again, bitch!!" I spat lacing my words with poison. (Me was the 666 word of the day XD) I heard slow clapping and turned my head to the source of the noise, after that I felt something stab my neck and everything went black.

Mark's POV

"56 kidnappers are stalking you around, 56 kidnappers are stalking you, take one out, jab it in the side, 55 kidnappers are stalking you around-" I sang but was cut off.

"OH MY GOD, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO SHUT UP??" Haley shouted at me.

"Damn woman, I was just trying to lighten the mood" I huffed.

"Yeah, and it was really funny 43 kidnappers ago but IT FUCKING GOT OLD!!!!" Haley said annoyed.

"Okay geeze, I'll stop singing it," I said crossing my arms and turning away, I then started humming it.

"OK THAT'S IT I AM GOING TO KILL YOU IF THE PEOPLE WHO KIDNAPPED US IN THE FIRST PLACE DON BEAT ME TO IT!!" Haley threatened. I continued to sing the song and she hit me in the head with a pack of cards.

"OW!! WHAT THE FUCK??" I said in a high pitched voice.

"What?? You were getting annoying," Haley stated.

"Where did you even get the cards?" I asked rubbing the spot where I was hit.

"I had them in my pocket," Haley shrugs her shoulders.

"You do know we could have avoided all of this if you had just got the cards out right?" I questioned.

"To be honest I was just looking for entertainment and then it got annoying" she said.

"Fuck you!!" I said.

"1) no and 2) at least buy me dinner first and then we'll talk about it," Haley Sassed.

"Wow, very mature!!" I said

"Oh yeah very mature," Haley mocked and after our little argument everything fell silent.

"So,....wanna play go fish?" I asked bored.

"Sure, why not?" She shrugged, we got the card and since we weren't chained or anything we sat in the middle of the room and carried on with our game, that was until we both got knocked while we were arguing about who was winning.


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