Special Pet Part 47

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    Quigor gently picks up Margaret out of her bed in the morning. Margaret looks at them, confused, as they carry her to the bathroom.

    "Margaret breakfast. Margaret play Emily," Quigor gently explains. 

    "Play Emily? Thank you, Quigor!" Margaret shouts excitedly in Nivish. She hurries in the bathroom and races over to her highchair, still in her nightgown. 

    Gibray is still dressing Susie. It's a little tricky because Susie is very playful about it and keeps trying to grab at things. "Come help me hold her!" Gibray says, annoyed, to her siblings.

    "Quigor! Margaret lunch!" Margaret cries excitedly in Nivish, waiting impatiently by her highchair.

    "Breakfast, Sweetie," Oypalla says, appearing suddenly and picking Margaret up, carefully placing her into her highchair while Quigor goes to prepare breakfast. 

    "Margaret play Emily!" Margaret excitedly tells the alien in Nivish. 

    "Emily Margaret friend?" Oypalla asks her gently. 

    "Yes, Emily good friend!" Margaret cries happily in Nivish. 

    Homsel goes over to Gibray and helps her dress Susie. "Stay!" He sternly commands Susie.

    Susie stares at Homsel happily and reaches for him. Homsel holds her down while Gibray dresses her.

    "Okay Susie, time to eat," Homsel tells their pet once she is dressed, carefully taking her to her highchair and gently placing her into it.

    The two pet humans are fed bacon and hard boiled Easter eggs for breakfast. Margaret's eggs are pink, yellow, and blue. Susie's eggs are green, orange, and purple.

    Susie happily tries to grab her eggs and play with them, but Oypalla takes them away from her and removes the shells from them. She gets them back peeled and mashed up along with the cut up bacon pieces. Susie is wearing a bib with a cute bunny on it today. She is given orange juice in a sippy cup. Susie happily eats her food.

    Margaret happily eats her food, very excited to see Emily.

    Susie is very messy and needs to be cleaned up after breakfast. Pombal picks her up gently and carries her over to the bathroom to clean her.

    Margaret feels frightened as Nombley picks her up out of her highchair. "Quigor, come!" She cries in Nivish. 

    "You're okay, Margaret. Stay," Quigor tells her gently. They and Oypalla are going to clean the kitchen. The aliens had already eaten their breakfast before they fed the pets. They had petal cakes.

    Nombley carries Margaret into Quigor's room and dresses her. Margaret is frightened and embarrassed and starts crying. Quigor had given Nombley permission to dress her and was grateful for thier help. "No!" Margaret cries, struggling against them. But Nombley wins, being much stronger than Margaret, and she is soon wearing her lavender dress.

 But Nombley wins, being much stronger than Margaret, and she is soon wearing her lavender dress

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