Special Pet Part 8

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    Margaret is picked up and handed to one of the aliens. The alien examines her closely and pets her. Margaret's owner and the other alien speak to each other, but all Margaret can understand is her name.

    The pet is then carried to a bathroom similar to the one at her owners' house and left alone for a few minutes to use it.

    Margaret is then picked up and carried to an area with many strange looking creatures. She can't see her owner anywhere. She wishes she knew their name so she could try to call for then.

    Margaret is carefully set down with the strange creatures. She is afraid of them, so she tries to grab for the alien's hand.

    "No, Margaret," the alien says, leaving her alone in the pen with the strange creatures. They begin to advance upon her. They are curious, as they have never seen a human before. Frightened, Margaret begins to cry.

    "No!" Margaret cries. The creatures look at her closely but most of them stop approaching her. However, a round very soft fuzzy creature on very short legs goes up to her and rubs it's fur on her body. Margaret reaches down to pet the creature.

    Then she notices it is wearing a collar like she is. She looks at the other creatures and sees they are wearing collars too. She then realizes they must be pets like she is.

    The round fuzzy animal wants to be petted, so it bites Margaret to get her attention and she starts bleeding. Margaret cries out in pain. Her leg feels like it is on fire. (The aliens don't realize it, but the fuzzy round animal's bite is deadly to humans.)

    The strange alien from before returns and quickly picks Margaret up. Margaret is squirming in pain a lot so she is carried to another room and quickly strapped down to an examination table. This way it is much easier for the alien to tell what is wrong with her.

    The alien sees that the pet humans' whole leg is turning dark red from a rash where she was bitten. The alien leaves the pet on the table for a few minutes and returns with her owner.

    Margaret's owner quickly unstraps her and picks her up. She is now semiconscious. Margaret is quickly carried out to her owners' vehicle. Luckily, the aliens can move very fast.

    Her owner quickly drives her to the vet's office, contacting the vet on the way there to be sure they will be ready for the patient.

    They arrive shortly afterward and the unconscious human is handed carefully to the vet.

    The vet runs many tests on the pet. It is discovered that she had a very serious reaction to the animal bite. They were informed which pet bit Margaret. The aliens must quickly find a way to counteract the bite before Margaret's condition gets any worse.

    A special type of viewer is used to see what is happening inside the humans' body on the cellular level. It shows that bacteria in the animal's saliva are rapidly attacking Margaret's cells, and her cells have no defense and are dying quickly. The vet then figures out how to stop the bacteria.

    Margaret wakes up days later, very confused and feeling very weak. She doesn't know where she is. It doesn't look like a doctor's office on Earth. It looks like a living room with a small couch, bed, and table in it.

    The vet is very glad that the pet human is finally awake. He goes to examine her, but is very careful not to frighten Margaret.

    Margaret thinks she is at her owners' friend's house. She is hungry, but she doesn't know the word for food.

    The bite mark on the pet looks much better and her skin is returning to it's normal color. The vet knows she is trying to communicate but cannot understand her.

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