Special Pet Part 42

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    Margaret excitedly goes to play with her pony house in the morning. She plays with it for about an hour before her owner gently picks her up.

    The pet is still in her nightgown, so Quigor carries her into their bedroom to dress her. They allow Margaret to choose which dress she wants and then they carefully change her clothing.

    Once dressed, Margaret is carried to the bathroom before being placed gently into her highchair. 

    "Cook?" Margaret asks. 

    "Okay, Margaret," Quigor says, gently picking her up and holding her. They get her communication book and set the symbols to food.

    Margaret is confused. Why would her owner be showing her "doll food" when she wants to help cook breakfast? Though confused, Margaret eventually realizes her owner wants her to pick something so she picks up the blueberry muffin toy symbol and hands it to her owner. 

    "Good girl, Margaret! Blueberry muffins! Okay, Margaret," Quigor says, setting thier pet's communication book down and selecting the ingredients for the muffins and setting them up for her.

    Quigor preheat the cooker and gets the baking dish ready for the muffins. Then they help Margaret mix together the batter and pour it into the muffin cups. Quigor then puts the muffins into the cooker and places Margaret into her playpen while they bake. "Good girl, Margaret! Good cook!" Quigor praises thier happy pet.

    "Thank you, Quigor!" Margaret cries while setting up her toy animals in the park. She happily plays while the muffins bake.

    Margaret is so busy playing she doesn't notice her owner approaching and is startled when they pick her up. "It's okay, Margaret. Breakfast," Quigor says gently to their pet human, petting her sofly to calm her as they carry her over to her highchair. 

    "Margaret okay, Quigor. Good lunch!" Margaret cries happily in her highchair, watching eagerly as Quigor serves her a blueberry muffin. 

    Margaret happily eats her muffin while Quigor eats deanah berries on a bed of petals for thier breakfast. She is given milk to drink with her muffin. Margaret loves the muffin. It tastes very good. 

    Margaret is gently picked up and carried to the bathroom afterward. Quigor places her collar and leash on her after she is finished. Margaret looks at her owner questiongly. 

    "Margaret play Emily," Quigor gently explains while leading their pet out to their vehicle. 

    "Play Emily?! Thank you, Quigor!" Margaret cries excitedly as she is getting into her owner's vehicle.

    Margaret is very excited all the way to Emily's house. Quigor has brought her communication book along so Emily can explain it to her as Mepo suggested.

    Margaret escapes out of the vehicle and races up to the door as they arrive. Mepo answers the door and quickly picks up the excited pet. "Hi, Margaret. I see you're excited to see Emily," Mepo says to the pet. "I've got her, Quigor," they call to thier friend as Quigor approaches the house. 

    "Thank you, Mepo. She was so fast," Quigor says as they enter the house with Margaret's book.

    Margaret squirms hard to try and escape Mepo's grasp. "Play Emily!" She cries in Nivish. 

    "Emily, come!" Mepo calls to thier pet. 

    Emily's cage door has been unlocked since Mepo knew Quigor and Margaret would be arriving soon. Emily comes out of her cage and hurries over to see her friend. "Hi, Margaret! How are you? I'm glad you could come! Mepo told me you need help with your book. They said the book is so you can talk to Quigor," she says in English. 

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