Special Pet Part 28

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    In the morning Quigor gives Margaret an orange dress to wear. After she puts it on, her owner carefully picks her up to feed her breakfast.

    "No," Margaret says, refusing to eat the food.

    "Margaret, eat breakfast," Quigor says firmly, holding Margaret's nose to make her open her mouth. Margaret opens her mouth and Quigor puts the food in. They keep doing this until she has eaten all of her breakfast. Margaret is crying by the time they are finished.

    "It's okay, Margaret. Good girl, Margaret," Quigor says, petting her sofly. Margaret is placed back in her cage.

    Quigor leaves the room to inquire about places to shop at which allow pet humans on leashes. They are informed of a sort of department store which carries souvenirs and pet supplies among other things. The human is allowed in the pet supply section but must be placed in a pen with the other pets if Quigor wishes to purchase anything else as pets are not allowed in the rest of the store.

    Quigor expresses concern about the possibility of any type of pet which could harm thier human being in the pen. They explain about the earlier incident where she had been bitten a while ago.    

    The aliens tell Quigor to mention that to the one supervising the pets so that they can be sure of her safety and if necessary separate her from any pets which could cause her harm. Quigor thanks them for their help and returns to their room to retrieve Margaret.

    Quigor carefully picks up Margaret and puts her collar and leash on her. Quigor then takes Margaret outside and they go for a walk.

    "Margaret play Tulip?" The human asks.

    "No Margaret. Come store," Quigor tries to explain. They walk past some scary looking aliens until they arrive by the peelmars.

    Margaret grabs a giant vine and won't let go. She's determined not to allow Quigor to place her on the scary giant "caterpillar."

    "Margaret no come! Margaret stay!" Margaret cries as her owner tries to get her off the vine without hurting her fingers.

    Some of the aliens come over to help and they get Margaret loose. They carefully place the frightened human on top of the peelmar and Quigor grabs her and holds her tightly.

    "It's okay, Margaret," Quigor gently tells their crying pet. They pet Margaret softly and try to comfort her on the way to the store.

    Finally Quigor takes Margaret off the peelmar. Margaret refuses to let go of her owner so Quigor carries her into the store. "It's okay, Margaret," Quigor tells their pet gently.   

    Margaret looks around the store, frightened that they are in another strange place. There are scary looking aliens everywhere. 

    "It's okay, Margaret. Store," Quigor says gently, carrying Margaret to the pet toy aisle. Margaret stares at the toys.

    "Play?" Margaret asks.

    "Yes, Margaret," Quigor says, very gently setting the human down on the floor and allowing her to look at the toys.

    Margaret excitedly approaches the toys. There are long fuzzy ropes and flexible rings. There are balls and stuffed animals. These are mostly geared towards other types of pets. Margaret keeps looking and finds the pet human section. There is a toy bird's nest that Margaret sees. There are 3 eggs in the nest. They have toy baby birds inside with movable legs, wings, and heads. Their mouths open and close. There is a mother bird with movable parts and toy food for her to feed the chicks.

    "Play?" Margaret asks, picking up the baby bird playset and carrying it over to her owner.

    "Yes, Margaret play. Good Margaret," Quigor says, placing the playset inside a container that they are using to shop.

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