Chapter 17-Revised-Please reread

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Authors Note: My apologies everyone about the last chapter. I know it was kind of boring, but the stage must be set for what's to come. If you haven't noticed research has recently revealed a new kind of play that I am very intrigued by so it will be showing up in all of my new work to some extent. I must explore it!!!! -Love ya'll! Thanks for reading! ;)


Ethan wasn't there yet and a quick check of her phone told her why, it was only five thirty. She had half an hour to wallow in self-pity and pull herself together before he got there. Sitting on the bench where she would wait was the round faced Jake, looking disappointed but determined.

She sat next to him wiping her eyes. He looked over and asked simply, "Drop?"

She nodded sullenly in response.

"While he doesn't make it clear Dr. Keen isn't looking for an expository essay. He's a creative writing professor and that is what he wants to see, something creative."

"That's why I want to take the class to learn to think outside the box," she groaned.

"Then take it," Jake answered, "He can't force you to drop it."

"Are you going to stick with it?" Bree asked.

The young man nodded definitively, "Yep. I'm not letting him scare me off this semester."

"Good, for you, I'm not either," she said with a final sniffle.

"Glad to hear it," a rumbling voice came from behind.

Startled, she stood up, spinning around to find Dex nonchalantly walking the path towards them. His strides were long and easy full of confidence but not conceit. He walked just like Ethan she thought, must be a Dom thing.

"You left before I could talk to you properly." Dex said as he reached out his hand, "Nice to see you again Bree."

Bree returned the gesture shaking his hand with a nod. "Well, you basically told me I suck and I was a little upset."

Dex laughed pleasantly, "it's a mind game I play with all the new students. Sounds like Jake here caught on and is going to stick it out I'm glad you are too. Thing is I got fed up with students taking the class for a credit, you can generally tell by the writing style who is and isn't. You're writing was perfection if I was an English professor, but not really creative. I guess I wanted to test your meddle."

"Consider it thoroughly tested. If I hadn't run into Jake here I probably would have dropped the class." Bree divulged. Jake was silently watching the exchange

"I'm looking forward to the upcoming shoot." Dex said his eyes meeting hers causing her to instantly flush with embarrassment. Though young Jake probably had no idea what was being discussed her eyes slid over to him with a "shut the fuck up" face aimed at Dex.

He just laughed with a shrug, "It's the garage scene," he said with a lifted brow.

This caused her flush to deepen, she had no idea how they would pull off that scene and she wished he wouldn't have told her now she was going to be freaked out for the next week.

Dex came in close, and whispered next to her ear. "Don't think your performance will affect your grade though, I am extremely ethical." Before she could respond He strode away with a casual wave.

Jake had been watching the exchange open mouthed, "You know professor Keen and he still told you to drop? Damn. That dude is harsh."

Bree was saved from further small talk with Jake that might have required awkward explanations by the approach of the black super car. Ethan pulled up the curb and hopped out opening the door for her. She stepped from the curb and Ethan kissed her forehead as she climbed inside. She beamed a smile at Jake through the window and waved as Ethan came back around.

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