Chapter 3-Complete But Unedited.

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Ethan watched Bree from the corner of his eye. He could see her pouting and it was really pissing him off. He was loathe to reward her after this display, but he had already called Sam to let him know they would be coming. His old friend was so excited, he didn't have the heart to call him and tell him that there had been a change of plans.

The man had a soft spot when it came to Bree and he hadn't seen her since she had been in the hospital. Ethan wondered idly if he should be jealous. Nah, Sam would never do anything to come between Bree and himself, of that he was sure.

Her current behavior, he knew was in part due to his failings and that upset him more than anything. He had been so scared when he thought he had lost her all he wanted to do was to keep her close, so his disciplining of her had been sorely lacking.

Saying nothing, he strode to the car, Bree following just behind him he saw her into the seat and fastened her seat belt, as he always did. The car ride was just as silent.

* * *

As Ethan made the broad turn into the parking lot Bree began to get antsy, wriggling about in her seat at the prospect of seeing Sam, it had been a while since she had been to the club. As soon as the vehicle shifted into park she unbuckled her seat belt and headed straight for the door of the club. She didn't notice the look on Ethans face, or the fact that he had slammed the car door. He cleared his throat to get her attention but over the noise Bree was completely oblivious to his subtle cues.

From across the club Samuel's shiny head made him stand out like a beacon. Bree bounced over happily.

"Hey Sam!" Bree said as she approached.

She could see his bright smile, but his eyes slid past her to fall on a point behind her shoulder.

He and Ethan exchanged pleasantries and then sat down across from one another at the corner of the bar.

She reached for a cushion that was inset into the bar for just this purpose and settled on her knees between the two men, he face upturned as she listened to their conversation.

Neither Sam nor Ethan spared her a glance and it was extremely irritating, she'd had professional hair and makeup done and neither one of them had complimented her.

She casually reached up and began to stroke her Dominant's calf and outer thigh, silently demanding the attention that he was withholding.

* * *

Samuel sat at the bar facing the door so he would know the moment his two good friend arrived. He was floored when Bree came into the club apparently alone. He let out a sigh of relief when he spotted Ethan entering a few seconds after her. Ethan's jaw was clenched. The man was pissed and Sam immediately knew who had caused the problem.

He would need to try and salvage the situation if they were going to have a good evening. He sidestepped the bubbly Bree ignoring her completely and greeted Ethan warmly clapping him on the back and shaking his hand.

He could see Bree pouting at not being greeted as she had expected. Damn, the girl has gotten a bit of an attitude in the last few weeks. What had Ethan done to her? He wondered.

"Ethan! So good to see you! Would you like a soda?"

"That'd be great," Ethan said with a sigh.

He sat back on the stool and motioned to the bartender who quickly dispensed a couple of non-alcoholic drinks to the men.

"It's been one hell of a day Sam, but it's good to see you."

"Tell me about it," He was hoping to figure out exactly what had put Ethan is such a foul mood, though he knew Bree's behavior had to be the major influence.

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