Chapter 11

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Bree's emotions were all over the place as she parked in the garage and made her way into the loft. Ethan was at his desk, playing a game. She immediately went to his side and sat by his chair leaning her head against his knee.

"She thinks I am a murdering sociopath Zorne." She groaned. She had convinced herself of this fact on the drive home.

He pet her head gently, as he looked down. "I really doubt she said that." He said softly

"She didn't have to Sir! She went from all bubbly and cute to like, really freaked out, after I told her what's happened over the course of the last 6 months or so."

"I imagine she did, it's a lot, and you are not dealing with it." He said, still stroking her hair.

"But I am Sir." She insisted.

"That's why you moan and groan and scream in your sleep I guess." He countered.

"Yes Sir. My brain is dealing with it while I'm asleep." She said her eyes slightly widened with a slight shake of her head.

"Mmhmm, yeah. So same time next week?" he asked.

She nodded sullenly, "Yessir, for the foreseen future."

"Right, I'll plan our time accordingly then. In the meantime, we need to discuss your chore chart, I realize that I didn't go over the consequences for the meh and sad face stamps."

She glanced over at the chart and saw mostly green smiley faces, one orange meh, and one red sad face. The Meh was next to laundry and the sad face was on dishes.

"Oh crap, I forgot that I left the dishes to soak, I didn't finish them." She thought silently as she looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, quit giving me that look, you knew there would be consequences, right?"

"Yessir," she grumbled again.

"So, for every meh face that is 15 minutes off your gaming time; for every sad face that's an hour. We agreed that you would get two days no matter what, and the other two days I could use as collateral for punishment, so for this week you are now down to 2 hours and 45 mins of game time. I added a count to the chore board so you can see it."

Bree could feel the pout on her face. Took a deep breath and schooled her features to a less bratty expression. Of course despite having a bad day there would be consequences for not completing her jobs.

"why did I get a meh face on laundry? I folded the clothes from the laundromat and put them away Zorne. "

"Balling up socks and underwear is not folding." He chided.

"point taken Sir, " she conceded.

"Want to hop on your computer for a round or two? "

"I'm not in the mood. I think I'll go write a bit if that's okay with you Sir"

"Sure. Go ahead Bree; I'll order some Indian food; wait, do you like Indian food? " He asked probably thinking of the Sushi dabacle.

"I've never had it but I'm willing to give anything a try. I have always wanted to try it."

"do you like spicy food? "

"Not really Sir. I don't get why people like it.  Why do you want snot running down your face while you eat?"

"It's an adrenaline rush. Like a good play session." He answered.

She perked up slightly. "Hmm... I can try some spicy food "

He laughed. "i'll get some lamb curry, extra spicy," he wiggled his brows at her, "and some chicken Khorma."

"I have no ideas what that is but sounds great; I'm starving Sir."

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