Chapter 10

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Bree must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she knew, Reveille, was blasting about six inches from her head. Bree's eyes shot open and her hand reached towards the noise swatting, making impact with an object. It went quite, then she heard a thud and a slight whirring noise. Satisfied she closed her eyes again settling on the pillow.

Again, the bugle blasted, this time twice as loud as before she sat up in a daze, half in a panic, looking around the room.  There about 10 feet away sat a box with wheels screaming the horrid noise at her. She got trapped in her covers and fell with a thud her fingers just reaching to turn it off.

Ethan poked his head around the corner, laughing "It works! I couldn't test it last night." The face on the clock read 5:30a she groaned as she extricated herself from her covers.

"That thing is the devil." She said to herself, irritated as she stood up adding a groggy, "good morning, Sir" to Ethan

Her eyes slowly moving from the tips of his black leather shoes, up his legs which were covered in dark grey, flat fronted slacks, the royal blue shirt he was wearing made his eyes look aquamarine in the sunlight that angled into the windowless room.

"Come on, got a cup ready for you. I also want to go over the new chore chart."

"What happened, Zorne? I slept a really long time, huh?" she said groaning, "and how did you get me into bed, Sir?"

"Well we were running on about 5 hours of sleep and our activities throughout the previous nearly 24 hours were more than rigorous. And I carried you, I am the strongest of men."

He flexed as she walked by him, he was far too peppy for her liking at the moment.

"Oh, come on" he said poking her sides as she passed, "not even a little smile for my sexy muscles?"

"Smile is still asleep Zorne." She said as she moved to the kitchen, one eye open, she found her cup prepped and ready to receive the life giving dark liquid. She took the steel carafe and tilted it filling her cup to just below the brim giving it a brief stir with the nearby spoon. The now caramel colored liquid produced a sweet fragrance as she lifted it to her mouth.

She turned around and leaned back against the counter holding her coffee between both hands sipping blankly as she continued to wake up. Ethan came over carrying a large white board which he propped on the island in front of her. It was sectioned off and labeled with permanent marker.

At the top in bold letters "Chore Chart". Well, she had asked for it. She said as she focused her attention on the board. It had subsections for Daily Weekly and Monthly tasks. Magnetized to the board were what appeared to be stamps, she nodded towards them asking "what are those Sir?"

"Happy Sad and Meh face dry erase stamps, Happy face; you did a great job, sad face you didn't do it at all and meh face, you did it but it kind of sucks."

All the chores listed were pretty standard, tidy up, make beds, dishes, laundry, normal daily tasks. Sprinkled in were not so normal tasks like wipe down play room equipment and under monthly an archaic addition, mend clothing.

"Mend Clothing Zorne?" She said lifting an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I've got a mending basket in the closet for shirts and socks that have little tears and them and missing buttons."

"Why not just buy new socks, Sir?"

"Why? When a needle and thread can fix them, no point being wasteful."

"hmm, good point Sir." She said tilting her head as she continued to peruse the chart. At the bottom was a blank section that spanned the length labeled miscellaneous, it was filled in with: Find Therapist and make appointment.

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