Chapter 12

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After the unexpected excitement they turned in early and the following day went to the office to load the rental truck with their tables, banners, and equipment. They called Sam to arrange a breakfast date and at 5 am they were up and getting dressed.

Ethan had picked out a delightfully airy hi-low cold-shoulder sundress in a lovely shade of light blue with a pattern of large pink and red roses; with a cropped denim jacket and boots.

"I was feeling a western vibe today, I guess. Mmm sexy country girl; leave your hair down. " He said as she was trying to organize her mane into a bun, she let the wavy mass tumble down her back. He walked over to her sliding a hand up the outside of her thighs, up her dress, and to her bare bottom.

"Good girl," he said with a wink and a gentle squeeze which she wiggled playfully into. He wasn't surprised though. Since that first pleasurable punishment, she had never worn panties again without his express permission.

Ethan wore a pair of faded blue jeans and a casual button up shirt. He knew they would be working hard unloading the truck and setting up their space for the Expo.

As they got into the truck and settled in for the ride to the restaurant where they were meeting Sam, he glanced over to Aubrey. She was playing with the ends of her loose hair, staring out the window.

"Today, remember to only speak when spoken to. You did really well yesterday at the office and at home."

"Yes, Sir," Bree responded with a nod.

* * *

The parking lot at Helena's was empty as they pulled in behind Sam's truck, Ethan parked and climbed out of the cab and came around opening the door for Bree.

As they approached Bree felt the trepidation in the pit of her stomach. She watched as the pair exchanged handshakes from behind Ethan and then as her Dom stepped to the side leaving her face to face with Sam, he was directing his Mr. Clean smile at her.

She slid to her knees, the course asphalt biting into the flesh as her weight came down. She leaned onto her hands and crawled towards him, wincing as her knees lifted and fell. The blue dress trailing behind her, the toes of her boots scraping on the rough ground.

She stretched out her body, one arm going between the gap in his legs as she bent at the waist and pressed her cheek to his boot then turning head, the smell of the leather filling her nostrils, she placed a gentle kiss on the toe.

"I beg your pardon Sir, when I last saw you I wiggled my bottom on your lap and teased you. I was an impertinent slut. I will accept any punishment you see fit." She had tilted her head back and was, in fact begging for his forgiveness. She hated that she had been cruel to tease him.

Sam looked down at her his face stern, but not upset, "I will think on an appropriate punishment and discuss it with your Dominant who will inform you of my decision. For now, apology accepted, let's go eat y'all" And with that Bree couldn't help but giggle slightly as he hoisted her to her feet, moving her easily back to Ethan's side.

Only Sam could make her feel chastised and forgiven in the same breath while also making her feel light as a feather.

Bree was enraptured by the conversation the two men were having, Sam was telling Ethan all about a new girl he had met. When it seemed like Sam was going to end the conversation she couldn't stand it anymore. She needed more details!

"What does she look like, Samuel?" Bree asked curiously.

"Bree!" Ethan chastised.

She realized immediately what she had done, they'd just talked about it. "I'm Sorry Zorne! I forgot!"

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