Chapter 14

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Bree was watching the room as she and Ethan split from Nadia and Sam. She was a little disappointed but knew that this mixer was as much business as it was pleasure. Ethan guided them toward the makeshift bar that was set up in the back. There were both alcoholic and virgin versions of drinks available, though the choices were still limited as things were still being prepped.

He handed her a virgin Bloody Mary, so a decorated V8, really and took the same for himself. He began to make the rounds, conversing easily with his peers here. Bree on the other hand felt awkward and was, for once, glad that she wasn't to speak until spoken to. She did not have a knack for small talk with strangers.

She let her eyes roam the room and spotted a familiar face. The lady in red from the club, Britta, Bree remembered. She was talking with a group of people, seemingly enjoying herself. She continued to make her way around the room with Ethan he was mostly talking business, and while it was interesting for the first few things started to repeat. Her eyes wandered to Nadia, who happened to be looking over at about the same time.

Bree smiled in her direction and gave a little wink. She was pleased when Nadia winked back. She stuck out her tongue at her with a silent giggle.

"Bree! Mr. Ross was speaking to you! " Ethan scolded.

Her back went ramrod stiff and she gave him a look of pure contrition. "I'm sorry Sir, Mr. Ross please forgive my rudeness."

The gentleman laughed, "It's allright Bree, I know these conversations can get boring. You've probably been hearing the same thing over and over again. I was simply asking how you were recovering, news of your incident has spread."

Bree was a bit shocked she had no idea that her issues were common knowledge, and felt a bit put on the spot.

"I'm doing very well, Thank you Mr. Ross."

"Good, glad to..." he paused as a very angry voice rose above the general din of the crowd and turned to where the disturbance was coming from as was the rest of the room.

Nadia had her finger in the middle of Britta's chest telling her that she shouldn't be so rude then began yelling at her in a language Bree didn't identify right away, but realized must have been German.

Ethan and Sam started moving at the same time. Sam reached her first and steared her away and out of the room. It didn't stop Nadia from yelling a final insult of "Hosenscheisser" over her shoulder, Bree didn't know what it meant but it didn't sound friendly. Ethan led the way following the pair out of the room.

Nadia was still flushed with anger.

"What the fuck was that?" Sam asked confused, but also beaming with pride at his warrior woman. Right now that is exactly what she looked like. A warrior princess bent on revenge.

Bree looked at Ethan who seemed very pleased with the goings on.

"Never liked that woman," Ethan said. "she gets all of her jollies from humiliation whether people consent to it or not."

Nadia nodded emphatically, she briefly explained what had been going on.

"that dreadful woman was making fun of everyone in the room in German because she didn't think anyone would understand her. Idiot, I mean, this is Texas, tons of germans immigrated here. My family among them."

"What was that last thing you said to her?" Sam asked.

"Hosenscheisser, it translates directly as pants shitter, I called her a coward. Saying things like that behind peoples backs. I retured the favor though, nitpicked everything about her in German for her and her friends." Nadia tsked. "I should have said it in English, let the whole room in on it"

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