Chapter 8-Also NSFW

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Authors Note: I had planned for this to be a wholesome chapter, but as I wrote Ethan and Bree had other ideas.


Ethan toweled off his freshly washed face and neck, getting the smoky eyeliner off of his eyes had been more challenging than expected. After minutes of scrubbing he'd finally managed not to look like a raccoon and was patting his face dry when he heard muffled conversation through the loft door.

Christ! Bree had met someone in the hall on the way up. He exited the bathroom to intercede but saw Bree's voluptuous backside was visible at the door as she backed into the loft. He stood next to the couch, waiting.

"I know Miss Patty! I don't know what the world is coming to! I promise I'll be more careful; have a great day!" Bree was saying as she continued to back through the door, closing it with a thud. She was holding the towel she had used to clean up her mess in the car over her front, her face was beet red as she turned, pressing her back to the door.

Her eyes slid over to him, she wasn't upset as far as he could tell, just mildly embarrassed.

"How was Miss Patty?" he asked lightly, holding back a grin until he had a full grip on the situation as he took off his jacket and vest, tossing them on the couch.

"She's now very concerned about what the neighborhood is coming to, when someone would steal a ladies bathrobe while she was getting the morning paper. So Lucky I had my hair wrapped in a towel that I could use to cover myself."

"Hmm...think she believed you?" He asked as he rolled up his shirt sleeves.

"Given the fact that she was talking about how the stairwell smelled like sex, I doubt it."

"Well, she has no room to talk. Pretty sure I've seen her tripping on LSD or something in the hallway before. That woman is something else but I've had worse neighbors." He laughed, and Bree giggled.

Situation diffused.

"Hop in the shower and I'll make us something to eat."

"All due respect, Sir." Bree replied, "Lottie told me not to let you cook."

"Cereal Bree, I'm gonna make some cereal." He said rolling his eyes, "Come here and I'll undo your laces."

She dropped the towel she had been holding and he was hit anew by how sexy she was. His eyes traced a fiery path up her body.

The wedge heels gave her legs a longer appearance with the ribbons criss-crossing over her shins and calves. Through her slightly dirtied nude stockings he could see that her knees were slightly red with pin prick bruises from crawling. Small pink patches still graced her thighs where his crop had struck. The marks of their activities marred her flesh beautifully.

As she reached him, she turned around presenting the laces. His hands went to her full, fleshy hips his fingers squeezing tightly.

His actions elicited a soft gasp from her. He felt his cock jump as he pulled her against him. Wrapping an arm around her waist he pushed his fingers into her upper back. Her body responded automatically, her hips pressing back as she leaned slightly forward.

With one hand his fingers migrated up the boned lines of the corset to her laces, one arm still securely around her, his hand splayed across her rounded lower belly.

Through the evenings activities her high pony tail had fluffed out, the ends of it curling to her shoulders in a riotous cloud. He pushed her hair to one side, His eyes riveted to the slight bruising at the side of her neck where his teeth had left their mark on her. He loved marking her, making her his. Deft fingers made quick work of the laces and she sighed deeply as the corset loosened allowing her lungs to expand.

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