Chapter 4

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Ethan stood with his hands on either side of the sink; staring into the mirror. He had just finished up with Spence and Rosie and was dreading the next interaction he was bound to have with Bree. He really had let things get out of hand with her.

He knew the next few hours were make or break. He scraped the wax he had used in the scene from his fingers and rinsed his hands drying them in his hair has he pulled it back into plate at the nape of his neck; squared his shoulder and said to his reflection, "You've got this."

He turned off the water and left the washroom, Sam was tidying up the floor while quietly talking to the Dom/sub pair they had spent the last 4 hours playing with. Rosie was responsive and well trained she was currently curled up on the sofa in a fluffy blanket sipping hot tea.

He strode past the group with a nod and headed toward the stairs, the music was off now but he didn't hear anything from the room above. Not that it meant anything he realized, as the room was sound proof. He took the stairs slowly pausing briefly at the door to collect his thoughts before placing the key in the lock. It slid free easily and the door swung inward on its hinges.

Bree was sitting on the white sofa knees pulled up to her chest, her face tearstained. It appeared she had been throwing quite the tantrum; the furniture was not where it had been when he had left the room. Ever seat was facing away from the glass.

"Bree, put everything back where it was, then we're going home."

She looked up at him and the look she gave him was one of pure loathing, his heart felt like it was going to split in two. But, she did as he had told her. She stood up her back ramrod straight and dragged every piece of furniture at least to a good estimate of where they had been before. He nodded his approval, but she wasn't looking for it. That hurt almost as much as the look she had given him.

He turned and walked out of the room, she followed after a few steps and got in the car, neither said a word as he buckled her in. The sense of déjà vu washed over him as he remembered the silence that had ended their second date and eventually drove her into the arms of a monster. He shuddered as he walked to his side of the car, his brain scrambling for a way to fix things.

He had expected her to yell, scream, rant and rave at him he had been prepared for that. Not for this icy silence. Should he command her to speak now, or wait until they were home, he was second guessing every decision where it came to her.

He felt weak. He hated it, hated himself. How could he be her Dom when he was in this condition? He needed to stop and think. How did she best communicate? When she could write down what she was feeling. The time it took her would give him time to assess and execute a plan of action.

As the pulled up to the loft he came around to her side and ritualistically, as he had done a hundred times before came around to her side of the vehicle, she had unbuckled herself not waiting for him, maybe not wanting him so close. His jaw clenched but he buried it for now, he would lose control if he let himself get angry right now, so he accepted it for what it was and knew that by the time she was done writing they would both be in a better mental state to deal with the issue at hand. He took her by the arm and silently went inside leading her to the playroom, the familiar school desk standing sentinel in the middle of the room waiting to be of use. He settled her into the seat.

"Write Bree, write everything you're feeling. I need to know everything."

As he turned he could feel her eyes burning holes into his back. He closed the playroom door without looking back; he wanted to be alone with his thoughts just as she needed to be alone with hers. The silence in the loft was deafening though. He stood there for what seemed like hours just staring at the wall before sitting on the couch. Then not being able to sit still he walked to the kitchen opened the fridge, then to his desk to ruffle the papers there. Finally he sat down at his computer and with a few clicks was onto one of his many resource sites.

Delicious DisciplineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora