Chapter 1- complete but unedited

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Authors note:  Please let me know if you see any mistakes so I can take care of them.  Thanks!!!!



The silence in the room was thick and noisy.  Only the sounds of the clock and creaking leather were there to break the deafening stillness in the room.  The blood pounding through Bree's ears was the only other sound input available.  All she had were the sounds around her.  Her entire body tense.   Her muscles taught with anticipation.

Her own sweat and the petroleum like scent of rubber were the only smells she could ascertain.  The taste and smell were pervasive as the perforated ball gag and latex hood covered her face blocking out all light and visual cues.

How long had it been?  Minutes, hours, days?  Had she fallen asleep?  She didn't think so, at first he had been there talking touching caressing, soothing, then, nothing.  She craved a touch or soothing word.  She didn't want to be alone. 

She strained to hear anything, a breath, a footstep, something to indicate that she was not floating alone, adrift in the universe.

She began to move her body like an inch worm creeping her way along the floor in the direction she though the door was in.  She had to find him.  Foot by foot she crawled in a frenzy of her own creation.

Bam, she groaned as her shoulder slammed into the hard corner of something.  She began to sob, feeling totally alone. 

She gasped in sheer joy as she felt arms wrap around her latex entombed body, pulling her from the depths of her darkness and despair.

She felt the buckles on the back of the hood being released.  As the hood came off she blinked, even in the dim light as her senses filled again with the space outside of her own head.  The cool air brought with it a new clarity to the world around her.  She slumped into Ethan's arms utterly spent from the intense emotions that had assailed her.

The clock on the wall that had been her companion in the noisy silence, told her that it had been less than half an hour since the hood had gone on.  Yet she had experienced anticipation, anxiety, pleasure, fear, panic, sadness and elation all in that tiny span of time.

As Ethan helped her into the bathroom and into the shower, Bree decided that she hated and loved that hood all at once for the experience it had been able to provide.  He helped her remove the latex that encased her body, stripping down to nothing himself.   He moved her under the hot flowing water and gently bathed her body rinsing away the tension of the evening along with the sweat.

She looked over her shoulder and saw herself in the mirror.  The picture she presented wasn't as bad as she remembered the thin still angry looking scar was invisible from her current angle.  Her round firm bottom was on full display, however.  She had somehow won the genetic lottery when it came to cellulite.  Though she was large her flesh was blissfully smooth.

Her brown hair was damp as it hung down the middle of her back in stark contrast to her Dom's long golden locks.  His piercing icy green gaze met hers in the mirror and he smiled dipping his head to the exposed length of her neck and gently kissed and nipped the flesh there.

He kneaded  her backside causing a soft moan to slip from her lips, she turned to look at him but he turned her face back to the mirror with a fingertip to her chin.  His eyes pinned her in place as she watched him watch her.

He hooked an arm under one thigh and lifted it for easier access, thank goodness for the no slip coating on the shower floor. 

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