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Percy regretted gaining back consciousness. His eyelids felt heavy, too heavy for him to open them. When he came to, Percy was greeted by the pulsating pain that throbbed in his head. He groaned and tried to sit up, but his excruciating injuries prevented him from doing so, furthermore, there was a nauseous feeling in his stomach, as though he was going to throw up if he made another single move.

Not like his stomach had anything to spew. 

A warm hand reached out and caressed Percy’s face, wiping away the cold sweat that was trickling down his forehead. A warm figure wrapped its arms around his feeble body. Percy’s body sagged almost immediately when his freezing skin came in touch with the figure’s warm, comforting body. It felt so fulfilling, so loving, the simple action of a warm embrace seemed to mend Percy’s broken body. He tried to snuggle into the warmth but the tired muscles in his body defied his thoughts. Percy was shaking like a leaf, but the phantom hands were so warm and comforting, Percy’s parched throat couldn’t help give a small sound of gratitude. To Percy’s surprise his own voice was hoarse and raucous, and when he tried to swallow to soothe his voice, his throat felt like it was on fire. He didn’t even realise that he had let out a small groan at the pain in his oesophagus. 

Percy felt those hands again, those gracious, tender hands were holding him in an upright sitting position, one hand stroking his hair and in a moment, he felt cold touch his lips. He gratefully gulped down the liquid that was handed over to him, his withered throat dwelled in the delights of the cool, refreshing water that ran down his throat. The water lubricated his dry lips, and Percy whimpered when the water was pulled away from him. 

Gently the hands placed him down onto the ground and as percy let out numerous groans and tried to ignore the pain from his previous injuries as he was once again engulfed by the darkness he knew all too well.

Sally looked at her child painfully. Every time her eyes swept past Percy’s broken and battered body, she could feel her heart shatter into pieces. It was devastating to see how her own faults had brought such misfortune to her only son. She caressed his cold forehead lightly. 

“I know a simple ‘I'm sorry’ isn't enough, Percy."

Percy was trembling furiously, his face was deadly pale, with his breath shaky and uneven. Sally removed her hand from his forehead and leaned closer, putting her warm cheek against the top of Percy’s head. Her arms wrapped around Percy’s trembling body, and she put her hand on the side of Percy’s face, gently brushing his cheek. 

“It’s okay Percy. Shhh, I’m here.” 

Percy sagged at his mother’s loving and comforting embrace, moaning softly, but Sally noticed Percy’s voice was cracked and scratchy. Suddenly he let out a small groan of pain. 

“Water… Percy needs water.” 

Sally’s hand travelled to the water bottle that she always kept by her side, she unlatched the bottle from her belt and uncapped the bottle.  She delicately lifted Percy into an upright position, caressed his hair for a moment, and placed the water to his lips. Percy gratefully gulped down the water. The water was gone in a second. 

“Oh Percy. What can I do? I can’t just leave you in this condition…” Sally tenderly placed her son back onto the ground, and watched sadly as he whimpered painfully, his body still shivering madly, and in a few moments his body slacked and shook no more. Sally held back a sob. 

“I’ll get you out, Percy. Whatever it takes.” 

I'm Sorry Isn't Enough, AnnabethWhere stories live. Discover now