Thalia XV

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When Percy opened his eyes, the first thing that came to his mind was the metallic smell of blood. 

"Well, finally. The hero's awake.

A female’s voice. And why did it sound so familiar…? 

Percy tried to take in his surroundings in spite of the drowsiness clinging to his mind.  The white marble walls of the small room that he was held in was stained with crimson blood, and Percy was definitely sure that they weren’t his own blood. His back was against the wall of the small room, and surprisingly, his hands and feet were not secured with anything, which means he could move freely as he wanted. However, his limbs ached terribly when he tried to move them, so he couldn’t do anything really. The owner of the voice was leaning towards him, smiling wickedly. 

The evil smile of the woman’s face could not be misplaced for another person. 

Remember me?” the lady asked innocently. Percy snarled.

“I know who you are.” Percy tried to back up further into the wall when the woman leaned closer to Percy, her icy, cold breath meeting the warm skin of Percy’s face. 

You’re smarter than you look.” 

“Looks can be deceiving.” 

The lady stood up and turned around, moving to the entrance to the room. 

Enjoying the freedom I’m giving you?” 

“I would be strangling you to death if it weren’t because my legs are aching so much.” Percy threatened. The lady only scoffed. 

“You were the one who attacked me and Annabeth, weren’t you?” Percy growled. The lady stopped in her tracks and laughed loudly. Percy narrowed his eyes. 

"Who was the one who brought me here? It wasn't you, was it?" 

The lady stood rigid at her spot, smirking slightly.

"We have spies at camp.

Percy clenched his teeth tightly in anger. 

“You should have been dead a long time ago.” Percy said. The woman turned around, dark green eyes meeting seaweed-green ones. "You sick, cold-hearted bastard." 

Someone brought me back to life, Percy Jackson. And even till now, I am still content with my choice of alliance.” 

Percy ran towards the woman, placing his hands at her neck, attempting to choke her while pushing her towards the cold marble wall. 

“Give up. You’re not winning this time. You’ll never win.” 

The woman laughed. Percy’s attack didn’t even seem to affect her at all. 

I will never give up.” 

The woman placed one of her bony hands on Percy’s chest, and suddenly Percy felt a jolt of pain surge into his heart, as he collapsed onto the ground. The feeling was terrible. It seemed like his lungs were failing him, as it got harder and harder to breathe.

Please remember that you are nothing.” the woman smirked while striding to the entrance to the room. “You’re nothing compared to me.” 

“They will find me, like last time. I’m sure.” Percy said determinedly, while his hand clutched at his chest. “And you’ll get caught. Stop doing this.” 

Nobody had ever stopped us.” the lady said. “And nobody ever will.” 

She opened the door to the room and gave a sarcastic wave before slamming it shut. And Percy could hear the locks being bolted. 

Percy leaned against the wall, taking in deep breaths as he tried to steady his heartbeat. His vision started to get blurry every ticking second, as he started to fall into unconsciousness. 

Please, dad. Percy prayed silently. Please, help me get out of this. 

He closed his eyes. 

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