Annabeth XXIII

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Annabeth collapsed onto the ground, tears threatening to fall from her eyes, as she cradled her knees, rocking back and forth like a baby. 

“Why does this always happen to Percy? Why can’t it be me instead?” 

Katie laughed. 

“Don’t be silly. Of course, if it were you, he’d be running around desperately finding any way possible to replace you with himself.” Katie crouched down next to Annabeth, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Then it’ll be square one all over again.” 

“True that.” Thalia said, ruffling Annabeth’s hair with her hand. “Now let’s go catch that mother of a mushroom.” 

Annabeth laughed. 

“We have no idea where she is.” 

“We can trace the call.” Katie suggested. 

“She used some high-level technology. Probably some Hermes or Hephaestus demigod helped her.” Annabeth shook her head hopelessly. “We can’t find her. And what are we supposed to do anyway? Grab Percy and run?” 

“Exactly.” Thalia replied. Katie shook her head. 

“It’s impossible. They probably have a huge army.” 

Everyone fell into silence. 

Suddenly, the phone rang again. Annabeth fumbled for the phone, but was stopped by Thalia. 

“She’s playing with you. Don’t fall for her trap.” 

“What do you mean?” 

“You’d better get your Athena brain forming a plan any moment.” Thalia said, “Or the Kelp Head would get himself killed by the end of her playtime.” 

Annabeth nodded confusingly, hastily pressing the ‘receive’ button as quickly as possible.

That voice again.

“He’s awake.” 

Annabeth tensed almost immediately. She wiped her tears away. 

“Prove it to me.” 

The woman laughed. 

Rushing things now, aren’t you?” 

Annabeth scowled. Of course she was. Her boyfriend was dying, for crying out loud. 

There there,” the woman mock-comforted Annabeth. “I’ll hand the phone to him and you’ll be able to hear his pathetic little voice, alright?” 

Before Annabeth could shout any offending words towards the woman, Percy’s dilapidated breathing was heard over the line. 

“Percy!” Annabeth cried out loud. “Percy, are you alright? Wait, of course not, I’m so stupid, I mean, I just…” Annabeth felt tears once again swell in her eyes. Why was she being so emotional today? She should be controlling her grief instead of blurting out everything that first came to her mind. She took a deep breath. “Percy? Um… Are you here?” 

Percy managed a crazed-up laugh, but regretted it immediately as he felt his breath tighten slightly as the pain around his ribs intensified. “Where else would I be?” 

Annabeth felt her muscles soften slightly at his voice, but couldn’t help noticing the obvious sound of agony of his tone. Of course she didn’t blame him, he just got a knife shoved into his abdomen. Even Chiron may not be able to survive that.

“Did you see my mom?” 

Annabeth felt rather surprised at Percy’s question, and couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy at how Percy was asking about his mother. 

Why didn’t he ask about you?  

Shut up, Annabeth. 

“I-I’m not sure, Percy.” Annabeth stammered. “I didn’t really… see her, after this.” 

Percy cringed anxiously. 

“O-Oh.” he muttered. “Where do you think she is, Annabeth?” 

Why was he focusing this whole conversation on his mother? Was he trying to tell her something? 

“Percy…” Annabeth said, lowering her voice. “Are you trying to…” 

“I think Mom is…” Percy looked up at the woman, who was now hovering above him, her eyes glaring in warning. Don’t you dare, she seemed to be saying, don’t you dare tell her what you have heard. “...not in camp.” Percy finished, ignoring the woman’s warning. “She’s probably with…” Percy’s voice was cut off when a blunt object was stabbed straight into his leg. He wasn’t quick enough to stop the scream. “Gods… Annabeth, promise me, don’t get involved-” 

“Percy says he doesn’t want to talk any more.” The woman’s voice appeared on the line. “I hope you don’t mind.” 

“You bastard…” 

“I’ll make you a deal, Annabeth Chase.” the woman at the end of the line looked towards Percy and smirked. “Beg for the courageous Percy Jackson. If you do that, I’ll promise not to harm Percy for thirty minutes. A few words can make a big difference, Miss Chase.” 

“No…” Percy groaned. “Don’t, Annabeth. She’s toying with you…” 

Annabeth shook physically. Her trembling legs failed her as her body sagged to the ground, her breath caught in her throat. Thirty minutes… all it took was a single sentence and Percy could be spared from half an hour of torture. Annabeth chewed on her lip, she wasn’t a girl who could swallow her pride easily, but if it was for Percy, she’d do it for him. 

“P-Please…” Annabeth’s voice quivered. “Please stop it. I beg of you. Please…” 

The woman smirked, looking down at the boy trembling in pain on the ground, pain could go both ways just because she put the phone on speaker. 

Percy avoided eye contact with the phone, he couldn’t hide the physical pain, but he sure could hide this. Di immortales… Annabeth really believed that the woman would keep her word… 

The woman smirked in satisfaction as she placed the phone nearer to Percy, speaking loudly so her voice would be able to be heard by Annabeth. 

“Thank her, Perseus. Feel grateful for having a girlfriend that cares for your safety that much.” 

Annabeth felt as if a chunk of ice water was poured over her. The woman was on speaker…?

She’d rather not have Percy heard her begging. Annabeth felt red creep into her cheeks. 

“Perseus.” The woman shoved the phone closer to his face. “I said… Thank her.” 

“Thank you… Annabeth…” Percy muttered, feeling as if he was toyed as well. His was trembling from all the pain the woman had brought him. “Remember, don’t get involved in this…” The woman took the phone away from Percy before he could finish his sentence. 

“It's a pleasure talking to you Miss Chase." The woman said sarcastically. "I’ll call back later.” 

The phone disconnected. 

I'm Sorry Isn't Enough, AnnabethOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz