Percy XXI

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“I’m so sorry, I… I didn’t mean to.” 

You should have known that I would be some use to you one day. You were always the smarter one.” 

Well, you shouldn’t have despised them in the first place!” 

Shush. The boy is awake.” 

Percy cursed silently in his head. He had hoped to secretly obtain useful information from the conversation between his female captor and the male voice, but it seems that the man was smarter than Percy had thought. 

Who was that man? 

Percy did not open his eyes. He didn’t want to prove the man right.

I’ll leave you in care of the boy. And, just a small reminder,” the man seemed to be smiling. “Try to get his girlfriend into this as well” 

Percy thought his heart seized up in terror and panic as he listened to the clopping of the man’s footsteps leave the small little room. He was bluffing. He must be. They wouldn’t pull Annabeth into this, right? After he heard the door slam shut, his captor let out a huge sigh of annoyance. 

That idiot!” she screamed in disgust. “Who does he even think he is? He’s not my boss!” 

Percy felt his captor stand beside him, waving her hand in front of his eyes. 

He’s not even awake! Who is he kidding?” 

Well, she got that wrong. 

The women’s agile footsteps echoed around the room, as the woman paced around Percy, as if she was plotting for most aggrieving death of Percy. 

Why would I even bring his girlfriend into this anyway?” Percy couldn’t help let out a huge sigh of relief. 


His captor immediately realised her mistake and, by the ear, pulled Percy to his feet. Percy opened his eyes, as the clear image of his captor formed in front of him, her eyes flashing in venom, as if fire was burning in her eyes. 

I should have known, Percy Jackson.” 

Percy said nothing. 

The woman took out a long, sharp blade from the inside of her cloak and smoothed it with her fingers. 

Discipline is an important word around here, Perseus.” 

The woman held Percy’s trembling hand against the cold, marble wall, and shoved the knife into the palm of Percy's, and dug it right into the wall, with the blood dripping down from the blade, staining the white background. Percy cried out in remorse, choking on his tears, and tried to shut out the pain the blade was bringing him. His injured hand was becoming numb, as he felt every part of his body shudder in convulsion. 

Well, I shouldn’t be too shocked about this.” His captor stood up, pacing around the room, ignoring Percy’s affliction to her torture. “Because an extremely glorious message has been brought to me.” She looked in the direction of Percy. 

Your mother, Sally Jackson, has been brought to us a few moments ago.” 

I'm Sorry Isn't Enough, AnnabethWhere stories live. Discover now