Thalia XIII

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Thalia was gripping her bow, clenching her teeth tightly. That kelp head. Where the Hades was he? 

“Annabeth, it’s okay.” Thalia soothed her best friend while waving her flashlight around. “He’s probably just visiting his mom or something.” 

“Someone was attacking us!” Annabeth practically was screaming out loud. “What if he’s badly injured? Maybe even left for dead in the…” 

Annabeth’s eyes widened. 

“Thalia.” Annabeth said cautiously. “Did you hear something?” 

Thalia raised an eyebrow and hook her head. She played with her arrow. 

“What’s up?” 

“It’s like I stepped on something.” 

Thalia rolled her eyes. 


Annabeth lifted her foot and crouched down low, putting her hand into the grass. 

Her facial expression was horrifying. 

“What? What’s on the ground?” Thalia asked immediately, crouching down with her. Annabeth’s eyes seemed to get wider and wider by the second, her pupils seemed to be trembling in fear. 

Thalia grabbed Annabeth’s hand, shone her flashlight on her palm, and clawed her fingers open. 


“Annabeth, you scared the tartarus out of me!” Thalia gasped in relief. “It’s just Riptide, it might have just fallen off his pocket, cuz…” 

“Riptide always returns to Percy’s pocket.” Annabeth’s eyes were wide with shock and her whole body was shaking. “Unless…” 

“Someone cursed him.” Thalia finished, realisation dawning on her. 

They both knew the truth. Years ago, when he fought Atlas, and Ares cursed him that Riptide would fail him, and it didn’t return to his pocket.

Annabeth played with the hem of her shirt. 

“Please be okay, Percy.” she muttered. Thalia put Riptide into Annabeth’s palm, stood up and looked around. 

“So that means the Kelp Head would have been around here a while ago, c’mon, let’s go look at the forest. Oh, yeah, and Annabeth?” Annabeth looked up. “You know, Katie came back, just a while ago.” 

Annabeth almost dropped Riptide. 


Thalia nodded, turning off the flashlight. (For your information, in case you didn’t read the previous book, Katie and Travis died in the last book.) 

“She reappeared. She was pretty agitated and was slightly wounded, but as psychic as ever.” 

Annabeth chewed on her lip slowly, her eyes drifting off, pondering about Thalia’s words. 

“So you mean, Katie Gardner…” 

“Isn’t dead.” 


Thalia shrugged, turning on the flashlight again and making animal shadows in the light. 

“Dunno.” she answered, but Annabeth was already focused on something else. 

“There’re footsteps on the grass, so Percy probably walked straight ahead.” Annabeth was walking further into the woods while studying the grass. “And he probabl-oh gods.” 

“What?” Thalia followed Annabeth’s footsteps, waving the flashlight in her direction. “Is there anyth-oh.

Thalia Grace had never been more shocked in her life.

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