Annabeth XII

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“It’s great for you to come out for a while, isn’t it?” Annabeth smiled. Percy shrugged. 

Annabeth squeezed Percy's hand softly as they walked back to the infirmary. 

“Well, time flies. You’ll need some rest. And smile for me, okay?” 

Percy nodded slightly and smiled gently, for some reason giving Annabeth butterflies in her stomach. She put a hand on Percy’s cheek and pulled him into a kiss. 

“I love you.” she whispered. 

Percy smiled warmly back at her, and tucked a piece of her honey-blonde hair behind her ear. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but his expression changed suddenly, his eyes darting around at the darkness around them. Annabeth tilted her head in confusion. 

“Percy? Is there something…” 

Percy put his index finger towards his lips, motioning her to be quiet. 

It was almost past curfew. Crickets were chirping loudly and the stars above them were twinkling brightly, as if they were beaming down at the couple. The moon was hanging luminously in the sky. However, nothing seemed to be amiss. 

Was he overreacting? There was nothing around them. But what is the feeling like they’re being watched? 

“Percy, this isn’t funny, if it was meant to be a stupid joke, I-” 

“Someone is watching us.” 

Annabeth’s face seemed to turn slightly pale at that. 

“Get inside.” Percy instructed, opening the door to the infirmary. “I’m going to look around.” 

“Are you crazy? No way.” Annabeth said, closing the door. “I’m not letting you out there alone when there’s a maniac trying to kill you.” 

Percy gave Annabeth a sad look, but dipped his head, and conceded her company. At the same time, a hooded figure appeared next to them. The hooded cloak was dark green, but the corners were stained with a bloody red. The figure was also wearing old-fashioned boots. From the gap of the cloak was a long hunters' knife, and it was pointed towards Annabeth. 

“Step away from the boy.” The figure’s voice was muffled. Annabeth could see a pair of greenish black eyes staring back at herself. 


Before anyone could react, Annabeth judo-flipped the figure face-down onto the ground and pressed her own dagger on the figure’s neck. 

“What do you want him for?” she hissed. Suddenly, a gun was introduced, as the figure laughed maniacally and the finger pulled the trigger, the bullet grazing Annabeth’s face. Annabeth winced slightly but didn’t move, her dagger was still pressing against the figure’s neck, her other hand was pressing against the figure’s back. The cut on her cheek was bleeding unceasingly. 

“Why are you here?” Percy’s voice was strong and determined, like he had never been in a panic disorder. Percy had Riptide pulled out, it’s golden blade focused on the figure’s head. “I’m not stupid, I know. He sent you here, didn’t he? Tell me. Why are you here?” 

The figure laughed. Wickedly. 

He is going to kill her, demigod.” 

Percy's expression changed into one that showed fear as the figure dissolved into the ground beneath them and reformed in another space near them, with the gun pointed out towards Percy, the green-black eyes were smiling wickedly. 

I'm Sorry Isn't Enough, AnnabethWhere stories live. Discover now