Annabeth XVIII

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“What a pleasure!” Aphrodite was the first to speak before Poseidon could even reply. “Why are you calling the gods?”

The woman showed no emotion on her face.

I wanted to give Lord Poseidon a present.” 

Lord Poseidon tilted his head curiously and waved his hand as if allowing her to continue. The woman smirked satisfactorily.

I hope you had missed your son, Lord Poseidon.” 

The woman stepped away from the vision hanging in the air, and there showed Percy sprawled on the wall, fresh blood running down from the wounds on his cheek, and on Percy's face showed pain and affliction, and at the same time, pure hatred.  

Tension filled the silent room, as all the gods froze in unison at Percy's appearance. 

“No.” Aphrodite was the first to stand up from her throne. Her eyes changed into a dark shade of crimson red as she stared into the screen. 

“I can’t believe this. What are you doing?” 

The woman didn’t answer, but only smiled cunningly. 

This is a gift for Lord Poseidon.” 

Poseidon closed his seaweed green eyes in remorse. 

“Let him go.” 

The woman laughed in response. 

“I haven’t even showed you my gift yet.” 

Once again, the woman drew out her long and sharp knife, as she gradually walked closer and closer to Percy, she roughly pushed his back, pulling up the back of his shirt, thus showing the scars on his back from his last encounter with Gaea. 

The woman smirked as she deliberately pressed onto the red-brown scar on Percy's back.

Percy couldn't even stop himself from letting out a slight moan of agony.

"What are you doing?" Poseidon asked almost immediately. Aphrodite whimpered slightly at the sound of Percy's agonizing voice. The other gods made no response.

"What if I do... This?" Almost at once, the woman plunged the bloodthirsty knife into the recovering scar on Percy's back. 

The pain was beyond words. It felt as if Percy's back was being split into half. The feeling of a wound reopening. Percy felt tears brimming in his eyes. The cold blade sank through his skin, cutting through his body, and Percy could feel the tip barely reaching the skin of his stomach. 

Percy's scream was utterly heart-rending. The loud scream of anguish and suffering echoed through the room, and at the same time, Poseidon felt as if his heart was going to break into pieces. Percy could hear him begging for mercy as the woman twisted the knife in his skin, and Percy dropped to the ground, his crimson blood flooding the marble ground beneath him. 

Poseidon flinched at the moment when Percy reached the ground.

“No. NO!” 

Athena attempted to hold back the screaming and raging Poseidon, who was trying to run at the screen and murder the woman. His face was smeared with tears, and it wouldn’t be surprising if a hurricane just appeared in Florida. 

“Please, please, we have to help him!” Poseidon was sobbing. Nobody ever saw Poseidon sob. The other gods, except for Zeus, Hera and Athena, gave looks of sympathy towards Poseidon.

“Please, father.” Artemis said. “Father, I think this time we really should help…”

“We shouldn’t interfere with conflicts in the mortal world.” Hera glared at her stepdaughter with loathing eyes. “Let them be.”

“But, mother…”

“Don’t you dare call me mother!

“Can’t you just give him a chance?” Apollo tried to help his twin. Hermes nodded. In fact, all of the gods nodded. “You know, even though his girlfriend…”

“Don’t even start with that piece of scum!” Hera shrieked. Athena looked at her mother in a provoked matter.

“How dare…”

“Now, calm down.” Everyone fell into silence when Zeus stood up from his throne, and only the sound of Poseidon’s sobbing was heard in the throne room.

Oh wow, just this and your father is already turning resentful. Even the gods are having a little family problem over you. I wonder… what if your girlfriend was here to see?” 

Right on cue, another iris-message appeared in Olympus.

“Lord Poseidon! We have something to… di immortales. We were too late.” 

Percy seemed to regain his senses at the sound of the familiar voice. 

“Annabeth, any time but now!” he groaned in pain.  

Speak of the devil.” the woman smiled. “I was just wondering of your reaction when you see your boyfriend.” 


“Percy?” Annabeth said in a small voice. “Percy, please don’t tell me that’s you.” 

I'm Sorry Isn't Enough, AnnabethWhere stories live. Discover now