Part 23

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School passes a lot slower without Peter. Ned and I sit with each other still, but we don't have lunch at the same time most days. So I'm back to sitting on my own.
I never really noticed how much Peter affected my life until he was absent for so long.
I call Tony Stark daily. He gave me his number to check up on Peter and he's always happy to talk - but Peter not so much.
He tells me how Peter's doing, how he's improving and how I'll see him soon. He tells me I'm welcome round whenever, but I don't want to intrude.
The bell rings for the end of my last lesson and I put my things in my locker, hanging about until the corridors are empty and I'm alone. Sometimes I just need a moment to be still.
'This a bad time?' Peter asks from behind me. I don't turn around straight away, just smile to myself.
'Is there ever a good time with you?' I ask back. He smiles at me, softly. And I ache with how much I've missed him.
'I'm sorry.' He says, 'I'm so sorry.' He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. He clutches me a little tighter than he has before.
'It's good to see you again.' I say. I'm unsure where we stand. We were barely anything more than friends before he went away. I desperately want to be more than friends but I'm scared he's changed his mind. I'm bad enough as a friend, I'd be a terrible girlfriend.
'I...' He trails off, his hand running slowly through my hair. 'I just...'
'You don't have to...' I say, 'I want-' he cuts me off.
'Me too.' He says and kisses me. One hand is placed firmly on the back of my head, the other around my waist. I grip his cheeks with both hands and cling to every single second.
He pulls away. I take in a sharp breath.
'Don't leave again.' I say, my hands linking together behind his neck, 'Don't you dare.'
'Not planning on it.' He says, and kisses me again. If he weren't holding onto me I'd fall to the floor. But I won't tell him that. Not yet.

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