Part 15

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The last time I felt this much was when Uncle Ben was shot. My new abilities still a mess, unable to save him. My phone slips out my hand.
'Hey, Kid.' Mr.Stark starts speaking but I can't hear him. I can hear the TV blaring in the next room, the birds outside. I hear everything so loudly.
'Shh.' I say, quiet, 'Stop it!' I shout, clutching my hands to my ears. I feel him step back slightly.
I crouch closer to the floor, restricting the space I take up. I want out.
Pepper picks up the phone as Tony kneels down to come to my level.
'I need you to breathe.' He says, placing a hand on my shoulder.
'Tony.' Pepper says, her voice distant, 'She's dead.'
His hand tenses on my shoulder. I close my eyes, so tightly.
'No, no.' I say, shaking my head. I lean into Mr.Stark, my head buried in his shoulder. He places a hand gently on the back of my head, but I can't feel it. I can't feel anything. I just keep repeating no, over and over.
'I need to...' I lift my head up, 'I need to go find her.' I try to stand, but I'm unstable, Tony supports me. 'I need to...'
'You need to sit down.' He says, pushing me gently onto a chair, 'I'll sort everything out.'
'No.' I say, 'I need to go find her.' I try to stand, but he holds me down. Pepper hovers to one side.
'Kid, please.' He says, his voice strained. I notice, briefly, red eyes. Pepper cries openly, tears trailing her cheeks, but Tony holds it in.
'Let me go.' I say, standing up, effortless once I try again. He forgets how strong I am. So do I.
'You're just going to hurt yourself, Kid, please Pete.' He says, blocking my way.
I try to walk past, my mind still in disarray. Over and over, May is dead. No.
He goes to speak again and I punch him in the nose, he jolts backwards and stumbles a little, thrown by the force. My hands shake and I watch as he brings his hand up to find blood.
'I...I'm sorry.' I say, stepping back slightly, 'I'm sorry.' And I fall apart. Mr.Stark approaches slowly and I start sobbing uncontrollably. He hugs me tightly as I sob into his shoulder, unable to comprehend anything.
'It's okay, Kid, it's okay.' He repeats.
'I'm sorry.' I say between sobs, 'I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's happening.'
'It's okay.' Is all he can think of to say.

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