Part 20

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I call the police to handle the muggers Peter stopped, then stopped a taxi to take Peter and I back to the Stark tower.
He doesn't move from the floor, too overwhelmed and lost to even think of going anywhere. So once the police arrive I make sure his mask is on and then carry him to the car.
He's oddly light. Easy to carry. He sits in the seat beside me, trying to hold himself up. But it only takes a minute before he's lying over the seats - his height makes it impossible for him not to lean on me.
He doesn't seem to think twice about this. But my arms are raised, not sure where to rest them. I stare at his head, his eyes closed tightly, tears still falling. It takes me a while before I rest one hand lightly on his shoulder.
I've never wanted to overstep my boundaries. I make a show of looking after the kid, but I didn't raise him. I'm not his father. But it hits me now, I am all he has. His parents are gone. His uncle is gone. His aunt is gone. He has no siblings, no more relatives.
He seems incredibly young, curled up on the backseat of this taxi.
We come to a stop outside the building and I pay the driver far more than I owe him. I carry Peter out of the car and people are watching. Heads turn, people are shouting. I ignore them.
I enter the building and walk past everyone. No one tries to stop me.
'The top floor's clear?' I ask the man standing by the lift.
'Yessir.' He replies.
'It's Tony.' I say as I step in. The doors shut and we go to the top. I keep hold of Peter until we get inside. I place him in the armchair in the corner of the room and find a blanket to throw over him.
'Kid, listen to me.' I say. He looks up at me, 'I know, I know this sucks right now. I get it. I know you want revenge, and I know it sucks that you can't get it. But you can still do something good. As soon as you're ready, only when you're ready, you can help us start to look for the guys who tried to kill you.' I say, 'chances are they won't stop at hurting you. It's not revenge, but it'll help.'
He stays silent.
'I'll be just round the corner. If you need me.' I say and go to walk away.
'Thank you.' He says under his breathe, almost a whisper. I turn and he's already facing the other way, head buried in the blanket.

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