Part 43

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I wake suddenly and scared. I've taken almost a complete turn in my memory - after struggling to remember what was real for so long, I can now remember everything too well.
I think of May, and I miss her so painfully I feel it in my stomach. Tony is instantly at my side.
'Hey kid. Hey, you're okay. You're okay.' He says, kneeling down so that he's my height, as I sit upright in the bed.
'Mr.Stark...' I say, panting slightly. I'm out of breathe from the constant nightmares I was just having.
'Hey, I'm here Kid. I'm here.' He says, one hand on my shoulder.
'My head hurts.' I say. It's so simple, such a simple problem. But I feel it happening before I realise what's happening. I feel the woman's voice in my head. The ultimatum. I relive my parents death. Relive uncle Ben's. I see May.
I curl over in pain. I close my eyes tight and move my hand up to cling to Tony. It is only then that I realise my hands are tied to the bed. I try to pull back my legs but they're tied too.
'I'm sorry, Pete, we had to.' He says, taking a slight step back, 'they were made to hold Steve - and about ten times his strength. So there's no point trying to get out.'
'Mr.Stark, let me out.' I say, my voice feigning calm for a moment. But then I shout louder, more forcefully. He stays where he is, close but far away enough so that I can't tough him, 'please, please let me out. Let me go. Please, Mr.Stark. Please, Tony. Please.'
I hunch over to one side, the pain building up in my head. I let out a cry. For a moment I open my eyes, see Tony raise one hand to his mouth to hold back speaking. He props himself up with the other hand. I can see the pain in his eyes. I can see the worry. But only for a second.
After that, I can't keep my eyes open, let alone see straight. I'm consumed by the pain within me. All I do for as long as I can think is scream and beg for it to stop. And eventually I feel a sharp jab of pain in my thigh.
My limbs slowly grow weaker. My eyes blur as I try to look up. I see Tony backing up, falling onto the bed behind him. After that, I descend back into my repeated nightmares.

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