Part 34

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I watch as Bruce runs various test on Peter. Takes blood tests, makes him do memory and mind games. The results are sporadic and hardly help us.
'Hey, How is he?' Shuri says as she rushes in, a look of fear in her eyes. I know she was panicking when he was captured, and I know my brief explanation of what happened didn't comfort her, 'Hey Peter. How you feeling?'
'I, um. Fine. Thank you. Do I...should I know you?' He asks, looking from me to Shuri.
'You don't...' Shuri falls short in her sentence, looks up at me. But all I can do is stare at Peter. I hate how hopeless I am, 'do you not remember me?'
' I'm sorry.' He says. I can see how genuinely upset he looks. This must be terrifying for him, forgetting who he is.
'We've got to figure out what the end goal is here.' Bruce says, typing at his computer.
'The end goal is getting him back to normal.' I say, raising my voice slightly. Bruce retains such a calm composure it seems he doesn't care.
'Tony, calm down. I will help him. I promise, I'll do everything I can.' He says, calmly.
'Stop being so damn rational about this Banner, she's in his head.' I say, 'I know what that's like. We've got to get him back.'
'Tony. You know I've got to stay calm, unless you want this place ripped to shreds. Everything I do, I'm doing with the intention of helping Peter. We need to figure out what she wanted to happen to Peter; whether she wants him to purely forget you, or forget everything; or to use his memories against you.'
'Use then against me?' I ask, 'how?'
'I don't know yet.' He says.
'How can I help?' Shuri says, stepping forward. She and Bruce are instantly in order; they're talking quickly and succinctly. I understand everything, of course, but my mind can't focus.
Peter's told me everything that's happened to him. Everyone he's lost. Losing May seemed to be the worst thing that could happen to him. But now he was being mentally picked apart.
I fall back to sit on the bed behind me, desperately willing Peter to get better. To stand up and remember everything. But he stays lying down, flinching every now and then as his memories are slowly distorted.

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