Part 35

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They keep making me repeat the last thing I remember. Every ten minutes or so. It scares me when they say I've been giving different answers each time.
'Alright kid, just keep talking. Tell me everything you know about me.' Tony says, sitting on the edge of my bed and watching me intently.
'I, uh. Okay. So you came to my house and you were sitting with May...and...there was an internship. That I won. But I hadn't applied.' I say, as my head starts ringing with pain. My mind is fighting against me.
'And this was how long ago?' Bruce asks me, distracted.
'I don't know, a week?' I say. Everyone pauses. I look at their faces, 'what? What, is that wrong? Mr.Stark, sir is that not right? How long ago was it?'
I watch as he stands up and turns away slightly, gripping to my bed railing.
'Peter, that was over three years ago.' Bruce says, 'do you not remember anything else? Anything at all?'
'I mean, there was something he did...I can't remember. Something to do with May.' I lose my eyes as I try to remember. And then it hits me, 'she's dead.'
'You remember?' Tony asks, spinning round. He looks slightly hopeful. But I don't focus on that. I can only stare at him.
'You...she died because of you?' I ask it as a question, because my mind is so full of conflicting images I'm genuinely not sure.
'You think I hurt May?' Tony asks, stepping a little closer to where I lay, 'Pete, I would never.'
'I know but...God, it feels like you did.' I double over with pain as I try to figure out which version of events is wrong.
'She wants me to hurt you.' I struggle to say, I force my mind to acknowledge the last 24 hours. I remember a glimpse of a woman. Her telling me her plan, 'She's going to make me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't want to.' I start to sob, unable to control the mess of memories I have, unsure which are true and which aren't.
'Pete, hey. Peter. You're okay. You won't hurt me. I promise.' Tony says, resting his hand on my knee. I withdraw slightly; involuntarily.
'No. No I can't do this. It's all, it's so loud.' I say, my spider sense on overdrive. Everything is a threat. I'm getting warnings for things that won't harm me. I don't know what's real.
And then bruce injects me with something and my head feels heavy.
Tony directs my head onto the pillow and I don't remember any more than that.

The Stark Internship حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن