Part 30

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Wanda wakes on the drive home but she stays silent. Tony went ahead with Peter and the other woman, but me and Wanda came on my bike. I couldn't exactly drive us back with her half unconscious so now we sit in the back of a cab.
'You want to talk about it?' I ask, making sure the divider is fully up. I look at Wanda briefly, try to figure out what she's thinking.
'I do not know.' She says. I notice her accent is heavier than usual, 'I...I'm wondering what would have happened had we found each other sooner. Would we still have wanted revenged so badly; have gotten so many people hurt. Would Pietro...I don't know. It's new.'
'We can help her. You changed sides. She can too.' I say, watching as she looks out the window.
'I don't even know if she'll recognise me.' She says, 'it's been years.'
'She will.' I say, with forced confidence, 'but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.'
'Yes. I suppose we will.' She says. She stays silent after that, and I don't try to force her to speak.

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