A Father's Pride/Another Gift From Seiya

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"It's a big one, dearie... your uncle Seiya really likes you. You also seem to be having a love for Canadian football lately, I've noticed..... you seem to be taking after uncle Seiya." Kaori then wanted to know "I wonder what he got me this time?" She opened the package slowly, and inside all the wrapping, was a CFL ball, made by Wilson, in its cardboard packaging. She looked in awe over it. 

"Whoa, mom! This is awesome.... a CFL game ball! This is the ball used by the league! This is amazing! Wow!" Just then, Ryoko pointed out an envelope containing a letter from uncle Seiya. "Read that, too, Kaori, dear." Kaori then read the letter. With it, was both a letter, and a schedule of CFL games to be broadcast on a Japanese radio station.

Hello, dearest Kaori!

Ryoko and Yoshiyuki (Author's Note: Kaori's father) have taken notice at the Saskatchewan Roughrider gifts I've given you this past year. I'm so freaking happy that you like the Rider shirts and the jersey!

Life has been alright in Vancouver, however hectic my work schedule has been, and the time zone differences between you and me. Ryoko and Yoshiyuki tell me you've been perfecting your art on the violin, which also makes me happy.

The CFL season is coming up later in May, and I thought to get you started on the season, you might like this. So, here it is: It's a CFL ball! I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of this new gift.

By the way, I saw you ate some poutine recently. I like that stuff; it may look weird, but it's tasty, Kaori. You've got a little bit of Canada in you now. 😊

Oh, and there is a radio station in Japan that will air CFL games this season; tune to the Japan World Sports Radio station on 86.7 FM in Tokyo. They will have quite a few games this season; it'll be their first year covering it. The games will air in the morning in your time, be advised, as they will start either in the afternoon or evening here in Canada. I've enclosed a schedule of those games and highlighted the ones where the Riders will be playing for you.

Well, I gotta go. Enjoy the ball and GO RIDERS! Talk to you soon, Kaori. You are my favorite niece, always remember that!

With love,

Seiya Miyazono

Ryoko smiled at her daughter, as she removed the football from its packaging. "I can tell you like that jersey, and now you have a ball to play with. I couldn't be happier for you, Kaori, darling." Kaori smiled at her mother. "Well, a musician like me has to have fun every now and then, right? And, wow, a radio station here in Japan is going to air CFL games this year! Wow! Oh, my, I can't wait to play with this football!"

Kaori then headed outside, elated over her new gift. Ryoko just said happily "My daughter.... I know she loves the violin, but she's right. She needs to have fun every now and then." As she headed out, Kaori said is she held the football "It's 1st and 10 at the 25 yard line, and the Riders are in striking range.... the quarterback throws, and it's caught by Kaori Miyazono! Touchdown, Riders!"

Kousei walked happily and came across Kaori, who, as she was wearing the green jersey again, was holding the ball, tossing it around, and even spinning it with her fingers. "Kaori? What's that?" He looked bemused over the ball that was in her hands. "Oh, this, Kousei? Why, it's a CFL ball that uncle Seiya got for me. I got in the mail yesterday, but my mom didn't tell me until just moments ago." Kousei smiled. "Wow, that's amazing. Your uncle Seiya must like you a lot." Kaori smiled, "Oh, yes. He knows about how much I like the CFL nowadays." Kousei said "That's really cool."

Tsubaki and Watari, walking around Tokyo, wore casual clothing as they talked about Kousei. Tsubaki said, "You know, a while ago, Kousei said he liked me. Kind of makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, ya know? I've noticed he's changed since the accident. I'm happy that such an incident won't stop him from fulfilling his dreams." Watari smiled "What a guy. From the depths of hell losing that foot to being happy about life today.... He's come a long way. I'm proud of him. That guy is going to go places." Just then, they came across Kaori and Kousei playing with the CFL ball.

Watari looked bemused at the two. "What are you two doing?" Kousei explained "Playing Canadian football, Watari, you dummy, what does it look like to you?" Tsubaki then took notice. "Well, count us in, Kousei, Kaori, you Two Stooges! Let us play, too!"

Kaori said, "Alright! Game on, my friends." The four then played game of pickup Canadian football for the rest of the afternoon. Kousei, Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari were having fun all together for the first time in a while, which made the newly-confident and happy Kousei even happier. Given that he could now move his left foot as good as his original one, he played with his three friends with such vigor.

As Ryoko and Yoshiyuki looked at the four playing mock football, Ryoko had noticed that her daughter's friends, Kousei, had come such a long way in a few weeks after his accident. "That Kousei Arima, Kaori's friend.... my goodness, he's a changed man. He used to be pretty sullen, silent and monotone, but our Kaori getting to know him has made a difference. He's happy, and I'm glad that she is friends with him." Yoshiyuki nodded with a smile. "He's a pretty talented guy..... so many people love him."

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