Chapter 42 ,,Shock"

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Y/N's p.o.v
I woke up by the sun hitting my face through the curtains. I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist as I turned around to see Jung kook already awake. ,,Good morning beautiful" he connected our lips as I happily kissed back. I smiled against his lips as we parted. ,,Are you happy that I'm back" he asked as I decided to tease him. ,,Meh.. It's alright I guess" I stood up and went into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.
,,What do you mean with „it's alright, I guess" he sounded mad. I just ignored it and took out a pan.
,,Yah. Don't ignore me" he raised his voice and I had to smirk.
I went to the fridge to take out some eggs and bacon.
I walked past him to notice how his eyes followed my actions.
,,eyy. Baby. That's not okay. I've been away for two and a half weeks..."
I continued cooking as he positioned himself behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled his face into the crotch of my neck.
It was hard to control myself and keep acting but I managed to.
He started kissing my neck as I tried to stay still.
Suddenly he spined me around for me to face him and pouted. I giggled and he started kissing my neck again.
,,Not now Jungkook. I need to make breakfast and then we need to go to the doctor. Remember?" I told him as I turned around again.
,,B-but we still have a lot of time. It's 7:30." he whispered against my skin as it send chills down my spine.
i faced him and he started kissing me again. He lift me up and sat me on the kitchen counter. I tried not to kiss back but i still did.
I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss and he pulled me by my waist.
After some time i smelled something burn. I pushed him away and saw that I still had the eggs in the pan.
,,Oh..." He said as I gave him a death glare. ,,Control your hormones Jungkook"
,,I'm sorry baby" he smiled and blushed.
He decided to go and get some breakfast for us while I was taking a shower.
We ate, got ready and went to the appointment.

,,good morning. i have an appointment with Dr. Yuna" i greeted the young lady at the counter.
„Jeon Min-Y/N?" she asked and I nodded. She pointed at the third door on the right and told us to go there. when I smiled at her I noticed how she eyed my husband and bit her lip. this bitch.
Anyways. Dr. Yuna arrived and greeted us.
,,Good morning Y/N. I see you brought your husband with you this time." She smiled. ,, so, your wife is pregnant. No surprise right. Today we will check how well the baby is doing and if it's okay" I saw how Jungkook's eyes sparkled and I had to giggle.
He's such a baby.

I laid down and she started checking everything, when her eyes turned serious. Jungkook noticed and took my hand. I looked at him scared and he caress my cheek. ,,it's going to be okay" he tried to calm me because he saw how worried I was.
,,Yuna.. Is everything okay with him"
,,uhm please wait.. I need a second opinion. I'll call Mr. june"
suddenly a doctor entered the room.
,,Dr.Yuna, what's the matter?"
,,please look at this and tell me that it's not what I think it is"  Yuna exclaimed. I started panicking.
I held Jungkook's hand tighter and tears formed in my eyes.
,,w-what is it? W-what's w-wrong?"
I asked with a cracking voice..

,,y/N.. You need to be strong now okay... It seem's like your baby has a embryonic development. We need to take him out as fast as possible..."
She tried not to burst out in tears but I just did.
,,what do you mean?" Jungkook asked calmly..
,,Your baby's brain built out of his skull. He's technically dead" Dr.June explained. As I let go of Jungkook's hand.
Yuna let a tear flow.. I know that girl since forever.. She was so happy when we found out, now she's the one telling me that my baby is dead.
Jungkook stood there in shock and I just nodded.
,,Take him out, it's the only possibility... We already lost him.."
My husband looked at me with teary eyes and I kissed his tears away.
,,It's okay love... We need to do that.." I whispered as Dr. June took me with him into surgery. I didn't know what was going on. I was still under shock.


That's how life works.
Sometimes it takes us to cloud 7 just to let us fall into a deep hole.
It doesn't care how we feel or what we've been through.
It just cares about making us feel the pain we don't deserve.
and why?
Because life is a bitch..

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